PAI Sicily - Oreto River Basin (039) Territorial area between the Oreto River...
Hydrographic basin of the Oreto River The hydrographic basin of the Oreto River is located in the north-western portion of the northern slope of Sicily and occupies a total area... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the basin of the Furiano stream and the...
The hydrographic basin of the Caronia torrent and the adjacent eastern territorial area, included between the basin of the Furiano torrent and the basin of the Caronia torrent,... -
Civil protection for the citizen
Simplified cartographic guide for citizens in which to view thematic maps of the municipal area with some specific information related to civil protection. -
PAI Sicily - Simeto River (094) Territorial area between the Simeto River bas...
Il bacino del Fiume Simeto, l’area compresa tra il bacino del Fiume Simeto e il bacinodel Fiume San Leonardo e i bacini endoreici dei Laghi di Maletto e Pergusa ricadononel... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the Hydrographic Basin of the Arena Riv...
The hydrographic basin of the Modione or Selino River (056), including the intermediate area with the basin of the Belice River, and the territorial area (055) between the Arena... -
PAI Sicily - Palma River Hydrographic Basin (070) and Intermediate Area betwe...
The hydrographic basin of the Palma River is located in the central portion of the southern slope of Sicily and occupies a total area of 122.5 km2. The basin in question has... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Birgi River (051) and Territorial Area...
The Birgi River Basin is located in the extreme western portion of Sicily and occupies a total area of about 336 km2. The shape of the area in question is sub-rectangular,... -
Application Maps - Map of the Hydrological Groups of the Emilia-Romagna plain
The map describes the areal distribution of the Hydrological Groups of Soils through the polygons of the Soil Map of the plains on a scale of 1:50,000. Each polygon is described... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic basin of the Inganno torrent and territorial area b...
The hydrographic basin of the Inganno torrent and the adjacent eastern area, between the basin of the Rosmarino river and the basin of the Inganno torrent, are located in the... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic basin of the Ippari river (080) and areas between t...
The drainage basin of the Ippari River (code 080) and the areas between the drainage basin of the Acate – Dirillo River (code 079) and the drainage basin of the Irminio River... -
PAI Sicily - Asinaro River Hydrographic Basin and area between the Tellaro an...
The area in question, located in the eastern part of Sicily, falls within the municipal territories of Avola and Noto, in the province of Syracuse, and has an extension of about... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Màzzaro River and Territorial Area bet...
The Hydrographic Basin of the Màzzaro River and the territorial area between the Màzzaro River basin and the Arena River basin are located in the extreme western portion of... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Magazzolo River and Territorial Area b...
Il bacino idrografico del Fiume Magazzolo e l’adiacente area sono localizzati nelversante meridionale della Sicilia ed occupano una superficie complessiva di circa231,39 Kmq,... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the San Leone River and Intermediate Area ...
Il bacino idrografico del Fiume San Leone è situato nel settore centro-occidentale delversante meridionale della Sicilia ed occupa una superficie complessiva di 207,4km2; esso... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the basin of the Forgia torrent and Pun...
The drainage basin of the Forgia torrent (048) occupies a total area of about 62 km2 and has an elongated shape in the SE-NW direction, with a more extensive development on... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the San Leonardo River Basin and the An...
The area under study is located between the hydrographic basins of the Anapo and San Leonardo rivers, in the central-northern portion of the Ibleo plateau, and covers an area of... -
Main watersheds
On the basis of the information layer of the hydrographic basins on a national scale 1:250,000, congruent with the hydrographic network, according to the provisions of... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the basin of the Caronia stream and the...
The hydrographic basin of the Santo Stefano torrent with the western territorial area, included between the basin of the Santo Stefano torrent and the basin of the Tusa torrent,... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Termini River and area between the Ter...
The catchment area of the Termini stream and the adjacent area to the west, between the Termini stream basin and the Mazzarrà stream basin, are located in the eastern portion... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic basin of the Furiano stream and territorial area be...
The hydrographic basin of the Furiano torrent and the adjacent eastern area, between the basin of the Inganno torrent and the basin of the Furiano torrent, are located in the...