The hydrographic basin of the Modione or Selino River (056), including the intermediate area with the basin of the Belice River, and the territorial area (055) between the Arena River and the Modione River, are located in the western portion of Sicily north and occupy an area of 129 km2 and 122 km2 respectively. The entire sector under examination has an elongated shape in the NE – SW direction and the basins with which it borders are, proceeding clockwise from West to East, the following:- in the West North - West: Basin of the F. Arena- in North: Basin of the San Bartolomeo River - East: Basin of the Belice River. From an administrative point of view, the study area falls entirely within the province of Trapani and includes a total of 6 municipal territories; of these only 4 inhabited centers fall totally or partially within the basin.---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------List of published data: 1) Basin report in digital format (.pdf) 1.1) Rel modione.pdf 1.2) 20170302_55_054_055-056_Relazione.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 55 of 01/03/2017) 1.3) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057 _058-059_Report.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 05/06/2017)2) Cartography in digital format (.pdf) 2.A) Disaster map in scale 1:10,000 (N.28 tables) 2.A.1) DIS-MODIONE -606150-01.pdf 2.A.2) DIS-MODIONE-606160-02.pdf 2.A.3) DIS-MODIONE-617160-10.pdf 2.A.4) DIS-MODIONE-618030-03. pdf 2.A.5) DIS-MODIONE-618040-04.pdf 2.A.6) DIS-MODIONE-618060-05.pdf 2.A.7) DIS-MODIONE-618070-06.pdf 2.A. 8) DIS-MODIONE-618090-07.pdf 2.A.9) DIS-MODIONE-618100-08.pdf 2.A.10) DIS-MODIONE-618110-09.pdf 2.A.11) DIS-MODIONE -618130-11.pdf 2.A.12) DIS-MODIONE-618140-12.pdf 2.A.13) DIS-MODIONE-618150-13.pdf 2.A.14) DIS-MODIONE-626040-14. pdf 2.A.15) DIS-MODIONE-627010-15.pdf 2.A.16) DIS-MODIONE-627020-16.pdf 2.A.17) DIS-MODIONE-627030-17.pdf 2.A. 18) 20170302_55_054-055-056_D_618130.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 55 of 01/03/2017) 2.A.19) 20170302_55_054-055-056_D_618140.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 55 of 01/03/2017) 2.A.20) 20170302_55_054-055-0 56_D_626040. pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 55 of 01/03/2017) 2.A.21) 20170302_55_054-055-056_D_627010.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 55 of 01/03/2017) 2.A.22) 20170421_143_da053_a056_D_626040.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 143 of 21/04/2017) 2.A.23) 20170421_143_da053_a056_D_617160.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n ° 143 of 21/04/2017) 2.A.24) 20170605_236_054_055- 056_057_058-059_D_618050.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 06/05/2017) 2.A.25) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057_058-059_D_618060.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 06/05/2017) 2. 2.A.27) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057 _058-059_D_627020.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 05/ 06/2017) 2.A.28) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057_058-059_D_627030.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 236 del 05/06/2017) 2.B) Map of the hazard and geomorphological risk in scale 1:10.000 (N.28 tables) 2.B.1) PERICOL-RISCIO-MODIONE-606150-01.pdf 2 .B.2) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-606160-02.pdf 2.B.3) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-617160-10.pdf 2.B.4) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618030-03.pdf 2.B.5) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618040-04.pdf 2.B.6) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618060-05.pdf 2.B.7) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618070-06. pdf 2.B.8) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618090-07.pdf 2.B.9) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618100-08.pdf 2.B.10) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618110-09 .pdf 2.B.11) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618130-11.pdf 2.B.12) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618140-12.pdf 2.B.13) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-618150- 13.pdf 2.B.14) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-626040-14.pdf 2.B.15) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-627010-15.pdf 2.B.16) DANGER-RISK-MODIONE-627020 -16.pdf 2.B.17) PERICOL-RISCIO-MODIONE-627030-17.pdf 2.B.18) 20170302_55_054-055-056_PR_618130.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 55 of 01/03/2017) 2 .B.19) 20170302_55_054-055-056_PR_618140.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 55 of 01/03/2017) 2.B.20) 20170302_55_054-055-056_PR_626040.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 55 of 01/03/2017) 2.B.21) 20170302_55_054-055-0 56_PR_627010. pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 55 of 03/01/2017) 2.B.22) 20170421_143_da053_a056_PR_626040.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 143 of 04/21/2017) 2.B.23) 201704 21_143_da053_a056_PR_617160.pdf ( Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 143 of 04/21/2017) 2.B.24) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057_058-059_PR_618050.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 06/05/2017) 2.B.2 5) 20170605_236_054_055- 056_057_058-059_PR_618060.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 06/05/2017) 2.B.26) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057_058-059_PR_618150.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 06/05/2017) 2. B.27) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057_058-059_PR_627020.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 05/06/2017) 2.B.28) 20170605_236_054_055-056_057_058-059_PR_627030.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 236 of 05/06/2017) 2.C) Map of hydraulic hazards in scale 1:10,000 ( No. 1 tables) 2.C.1) PER-IDRAULICA-MODIONE-618130-11.pdf 2.D) Hydraulic risk map in scale 1:10.000 (N. 1 tables) 2.D.1) RISK-HYDRAULIC-MODIONE -618130-11.pdf 3) Thematic maps in digital format (.pdf) scale 1:50.000 3.1) LITOLOGIA_MODIONE_055_056.pdf 3.2) USO_SUOLO_MODIONE_55_56.pdf 4) Union Framework in digital format (.pdf) 5) Census sheets in digital format (.pdf)---------------------------------------------- -------- Publication G.U.R.S. n.47 of 05/10/2007Updates: The updates relating to the D.P.R. No. 55 of 03/01/2017 are published in the G.U.R.S. No. 16 of 21/04/2017. The updates relating to the D.P.R. No. 143 of 04/21/2017 are published in the G.U.R.S. n° of /2017. The updates relating to the D.P.R. n° 237 of 06/05/2017 are published in the G.U.R.S. No. 31 of 07/28/2017.