The drainage basin of the Forgia torrent (048) occupies a total area of about 62 km2 and has an elongated shape in the SE-NW direction, with a more extensive development on the hydrographic left. It confines to the North with the territorial area (047), to the East with the territorial area (046) between the basin of the San Bartolomeo River and Punta Solanto, to the South and South-West with the hydrographic basins of the Birgi River and the F. Lenzi and, finally, to the West with the territorial area (048a). The watercourse originates from the slopes of Monte Bosco, in the municipal area of Castellammare del Golfo, and extends for about 15 km, flowing into the Tyrrhenian Sea. Proceeding southwards, clockwise, the watershed follows the peaks of Colle di Celso (246 m ), Monte Bosco (622 m) and Monte Murfi (510 m). To the west, the most representative peaks crossed by the watershed are Monte Luziano (479 m) and Poggio Mafi (279 m). From an administrative point of view it includes the municipal territories of 4 municipalities (BusetoPalizzolo, Castellammare del Golfo, Custonaci, Valderice). Of these, only the inhabited center of Buseto Palizzolo falls almost entirely within the basin. The territorial area (047) includes, in particular, a good part of the municipal territories of Custonaci and San Vito Lo Capo, within which the respective towns, and a limited portion of the territory of Castellammare del Golfo. Its surface, covering approximately 80 km2, develops from north to south with an irregular shape and borders to the east with the territorial area (046), to the south with the hydrographic basin of the Forgia stream, while to the west the area, facing to the Tyrrhenian Sea, is bounded by the coastline. The highest altitudes of the watershed are located to the east at the ridge which from Monte Monaco goes southwards up to Monte Sparagio. In this sector the main reliefs are represented by Monte Monaco (529 m), Pizzo di Sella (about 700 m), Monte Scardina (689 m) and Monte Sparagio (1111 m). The territorial area (048a) includes from the point of view administrative the municipal areas of Custonaci, Erice, Trapani and Valderice and partially the inhabited centers of Trapani, Erice and Valderice. Extending about 37 km2, it develops with a sub-rectangular shape in the NE-SW direction, and is adjacent: to the south to the territorial area (050) of the Lenzi river basin and the Birgi river, to the east to the Lenzi river basin and to the North-East with the basin of the Forgia River. The main reliefs are Monte Erice (762 m), Pizzo Argenteria (322 m) and Poggio Mafi (279 m).------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----List of published data:1) Basin report in digital format (.pdf) 1.1) Forge report total.pdf 1.2) Report.pdf (1st timely update CTR 593090 - 2010) 1.3) 20150220_47_047_048_048a_Relation.pdf (2nd update - 2015) 1.4) 20170630_329_047_048_Relazione.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 329 of 06/30/2017)2) Cartography in digital format (.pdf) 2.A) Disaster map in scale 1:10,000 (N.18 tables ) 2.A.1) BAC.47-48_D_592080.pdf 2.A.2) BAC.47-48_D_592110.pdf 2.A.3) BAC.47-48_D_592120.pdf 2.A.4) BAC.47- 48_D_592150.pdf 2.A.5) BAC.47-48_D_592160.pdf 2.A.6) BAC.47-48_D_593010.pdf 2.A.7) BAC.47-48_D_593020.pdf 2.A.8) BAC. 47-48_D_593050.pdf 2.A.9) BAC.47-48_D_593060.pdf 2.A.10) BAC.47-48_D_593090.pdf 2.A.11) BAC.47-48_D_593110.pdf 2.A.12) BAC.47-48_D_593130.pdf 2.A.13) BAC.47-48_D_593140.pdf 2.A.14) BAC.47-48_D_606010.pdf 2.A.15) BAC.47-48_D_606020.pdf 2.A. 16) 20150220_47_047_048_048a_D_593050.pdf (II° Update - 2015) 2.A.17) 20150220_47_047_048_048a_D_593060.pdf (II° Update - 2015) 2.A.18) 2017063 0_329_047-048_D_593130.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 329 of 06/30/2017) 2.B) Geomorphological hazard and risk map in scale 1:10.000 (N.18 tables) 2.B.1) BAC.47-48_P-R_592080.pdf 2.B .2) BAC.47-48_P-R_592110.pdf 2.B.3) BAC.47-48_P-R_592120.pdf 2.B.4) BAC.47-48_P-R_592150.pdf 2.B.5) BAC. 47-48_P-R_592160.pdf 2.B.6) BAC.47-48_P-R_593010.pdf 2.B.7) BAC.47-48_P-R_593020.pdf 2.B.8) BAC.47-48_P-R_593050 .pdf 2.B.9) BAC.47-48_P-R_593060.pdf 2.B.10) BAC.47-48_P-R_593090.pdf 2.B.11) BAC.47-48_P-R_593100.pdf 2.B .12) BAC.47-48_P-R_593130.pdf 2.B.13) BAC.47-48_P-R_593140.pdf 2.B.14) BAC.47-48_P-R_606010.pdf 2.B.15) BAC. 47-48_P-R_606020.pdf 2.B.16) 20150220_47_047_048_048a_PR_593050.pdf (2nd Update - 2015) 2.B.17) 20150220_47_047_048_048a_PR_593050.pdf (2nd Update - 2015) 2.B.18) 20170630_329_047-048_PR_593130.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 329 of 06/30/2017) 2.C) Map of hydraulic hazards in scale 1:10,000 (N. 1 tables) 2.C.1) BAC.47-48_P-IDRO_592150.pdf 2 .D) Hydraulic risk map on a scale of 1:10,000 (No. 3 tables) 2.D.1) BAC.47-48_R-IDRO_592150.pdf 2.D.2) BAC.47-48_R-IDRO_593090.pdf 2.D.3) Carta_del_rischio_idraulico_n.8-_C.T.R._n.593090. pdf (The Punctual update of CTR 593090 - 2010) 3) Thematic maps in digital format (.pdf) scale 1:50.000 3.1) 047-048_LITOLOGIA.pdf 3.2) 047-048_USO_DEL_SUOLO.pdf 4) Union framework in digital format (.pdf) 4.1) UNION_QUADRO_047-048a-048.pdf5) Census files in digital format (.pdf) 5.1) disaster list.pdf- -------------------------------------------------- ---G.U.R.S publication n.37 of 17/08/2007Updates: 1st Update - D.P.R. n.116 of 21/03/2011 - G.U.R.S. n.22 dated 20/05/2011. 2nd Update - D.P.R. n.47 of 20/02/2015. The updates relating to the D.P.R. No. 329 of 06/30/2017 are published in the G.U.R.S. n° of /2017.