The area in question, located in the eastern part of Sicily, falls within the municipal territories of Avola and Noto, in the province of Syracuse, and has an extension of about 126 sq km. It includes:- the basin of the Asinaro river;- the intermediate area between the Asinaro basin and the Tellaro basin, within which the Gioi river basin falls. The area borders to the south and west with the basin of the Tellaro river and to the north with the basin of the Cassibile river and with some minor basins. The Asinaro river originates in Contrada Testa dell'Acqua from a series of streams that converge south of Noto Antica. In the upstream stretch and in the central stretch, the watercourse takes the name of Fiume Asinaro, while near the mouth it takes the name of Fiume di Noto. The Gioi stream originates in the Pantanello district, west of the town of Noto, and flows into the Ionian Sea near Lido di Noto. The only inhabited center present within the area is that of Noto.--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------List of published data :1) Basin report in digital format (.pdf) 1.1) BAC REPORT. ASINARO.pdf 1.2) APPENDICES_B-C-D_REPORT BAC. ASINARO.pdf 1.3) 20170605_238_087_Relazione.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 238 of 06/05/2017)2) Cartography in digital format (.pdf) 2.A) Disaster map in scale 1:10,000 (N.12 tables ) 2.A.1) AS_D_648040-01.pdf 2.A.2) AS_D_648080-04.pdf 2.A.3) AS_D_648120-07.pdf 2.A.4) AS_D_649010-02.pdf 2.A.5 ) AS_D_649050-05.pdf 2.A.6) AS_D_649060-06.pdf 2.A.7) AS_D_649090-08.pdf 2.A.8) AS_D_649100-09.pdf 2.A.9) AS_D_649130-10.pdf 2.A.10) AS_D_649140-11.pdf 2.A.11) 20170605_238_087_D_649090.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 238 of 05/06/2017) 2.A.12) 20170605_238_087_D_649 100.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n ° 238 of 06/05/2017) 2.B) Geomorphological hazard and risk map in scale 1:10,000 (N.13 tables) 2.B.1) AS_P_R_648040-01.pdf 2.B.2) AS_P_R_648080- 04.pdf 2.B.3) AS_P_R_648120-07.pdf 2.B.4) AS_P_R_649010-02.pdf 2.B.5) AS_P_R_649020-03.pdf 2.B.6) AS_P_R_649050-05.pdf 2.B .7) AS_P_R_649060-06.pdf 2.B.8) AS_P_R_649090-08.pdf 2.B.9) AS_P_R_649100-09.pdf 2.B.10) AS_P_R_649130-10.pdf 2.B.11) AS_P_R_649140-11 .pdf 2.B.12) 20170605_238_087_PR_649090.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 238 of 06/05/2017) 2.B.13) 20170605_238_087_PR_649090.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree n° 238 of 06/05/2017) 2.C) Map of hydraulic hazards in scale 1:10.000 (N. 3 tables) 2.C.1) AS_P-IDR_649050-04.pdf 2.C.2) AS_P-IDR_649090-07.pdf 2.C.3) AS_P-IDR_649100-08.pdf 2.D) Hydraulic risk map in scale 1:10.000 (N. 2 tables) 2.D.1) AS_R-IDR_649090-07.pdf 2.D.2) AS_R-IDR_649100-08.pdf 3) Thematic maps in digital format (.pdf) scale 1 :50.000 3.1) AS_CARTA_LITOLOGICA.pdf 3.2) AS_USO_DEL_SUOLO.pdf 4) Union framework in digital format (.pdf) 5) Census forms in digital format (.pdf) 5.1) AS_SCHEDE_AVOLA.pdf 5.2) AS_SCHEDE_NOTO.pdf----- -------------------------------------------------Publication G.U.R.S. n.21 of 20/05/2005Updates:The updates relating to the D.P.R. No. 238 of 06/05/2017 are published in the G.U.R.S. No. 34 of 08/18/2017.