The hydrographic basin of the Furiano torrent and the adjacent eastern area, between the basin of the Inganno torrent and the basin of the Furiano torrent, are located in the central portion of the northern slope of Sicily. The hydrographic district considered occupies a total area of about 155 sq km, extending from the main watershed of the Nebrodi Mountains, which separates the Tyrrhenian side from the hinterland, to the waterways that flow into the stretch between S. Agata Militello and Caronia. The Nebrodi Mountains precisely constitute a mountain range between the Peloritani to the east and the Madonie to the west, close to the northern Sicilian coast. From an administrative point of view, the district in question develops entirely in the territory of the Province of Messina and includes a total of 5 municipal areas (Acquedolci, Capizzi, Caronia, Cesaro and S. Fratello). The inhabited centers included within this territory are that of Acquedolci and, in part, of San Fratello. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------List of published data:1) Basin report in digital format (.pdf) 1.1) BAC REPORT. FURIANO.pdf 2) Cartography in digital format (.pdf) 2.A) Disaster map in scale 1:10.000 (N. 10 tables) 2.A.1) 019_D_598110_01.pdf 2.A.2) 019_D_598120_02.pdf 2 .A.3) 019_D_598150_03.pdf 2.A.4) 019_D_598160_04.pdf 2.A.5) 019_D_611030_05.pdf 2.A.6) 019_D_611040_06.pdf 2.A.7) 019_D_611070_07 .pdf 2.A.8) 019_D_611080_08.pdf 2.A.9) 019_D_611110_09.pdf 2.A.10) 019_D_611120_10.pdf 2.B) Hazard and geomorphological risk map in scale 1:10,000 (10 tables) 2.B.1) 019_ReP_5981 10_01 .pdf 2.B.2) 019_ReP_598120_02.pdf 2.B.3) 019_ReP_598150_03.pdf 2.B.4) 019_ReP_598160_04.pdf 2.B.5) 019_ReP_611030_05.pdf 2.B.6) 019_ReP_ 611040_06.pdf 2.B .7) 019_ReP_611070_07.pdf 2.B.8) 019_ReP_611080_08.pdf 2.B.9) 019_ReP_611110_09.pdf 2.B.10) 019_ReP_611120_10.pdf 2.C) Map of hydraulic hazards in scale 1:10.00 0 (No. 2 tables:) 2.C.1) 019_PerIdr_598110_01.pdf 2.C.2) 019_PerIdr_598150_03.pdf 2.D) Hydraulic risk map in scale 1:10.000 (N. 2 tables:) 2.D.1) 019_RisIdr_598110_01.pdf 2.D.2) 019_RisIdr_598150_03.pdf 3) Thematic maps in digital format (.pdf) scale 1:50.000 3.1) 019_CARTA LITOLOGICA.pdf 3.2) 019_USE OF LAND USE SOIL FURIANO.pdf 4) Union framework in digital format (.pdf) 4.1) Quadro_unione.pdf5) Datasheets in digital format (.pdf) 5.1) 019_SCHEDE_ACQUEDOLCI.pdf 5.2) 019_SCHEDE_CARONIA.pdf 5.3) 019_SCHEDE_CESARO.pdf 5.4) 019_SCHEDE_SAN_FRATELLO.pdf --------------- ---------------------------------------- Publication by G.U.R.S. n.53 dated 11/17/2006 Updates: