DBTR - Sea area (Sottoarea) - (MAR_GPGSA)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the marine coastline, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
DBTR2013 - Marine coastline - (COS_GLI)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Coastal Themes (WMS)
WMS relating to the representation of the main geomorphological, bathymetric, land use characteristics of the Emilia Romagna coast and evolutionary dynamics from 1943 to 2022.... -
Po basin, coast, risk, polygonal geometry
The polygonal geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the Po Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM) (ITN008), represents... -
DBTR - Marine Shoreline (Stretch) - (COS_GLITR)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Marecchia-Conca basins, coast, risk, polygonal geometry
The polygonal geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the Marecchia-Conca Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM)... -
DBTR2013 - Marine coastline (Stretch) - (COS_GLITR)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Marecchia-Conca basins, coast, risk, linear geometry
The linear geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the Marecchia-Conca Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM) (ITI01319),... -
Po basin, coast, risk, punctual geometry
The punctual geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the Po Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM) (ITN008), represents... -
DBTR - Sea area (Sottoarea) - (MAR_GPGSA)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Regional basins of Romagna, coast, risk, linear geometry
The linear geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the area of the Unit of Management (UoM) of the Romagnoli River Basin... -
Rhine basin, coast, risk, linear geometry
The linear geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the scope of the Unit of Management (UoM) of the Rhine Basin Authority... -
Po basin, coast, risk, linear geometry
The linear geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the area of the Po Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM) (ITN008),... -
Rhine basin, coast, risk, punctual geometry
The punctual geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the scope of the Unit of Management (UoM) of the Rhine Basin Authority... -
DBTR2013 - Sea area - (MAR_GPG)
represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
DBTR - Marine Shoreline - (COS_GLI)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
DBTR - Sea area - (MAR_GPG)
represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the sea coast line, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
Marine Weather Dynamics and Impacts - Locations affected (number of events wi...
The maps summarize the distribution of the different types of damage recorded along the regional coast in the period 1946-2020, during storm surges. In fact, the maps illustrate... -
Marecchia-Conca basins, coast, risk, punctual geometry
The punctual geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the Marecchia-Conca Basin Authority Unit of Management (UoM)... -
River basin districts
The cartography describes the hydrographic districts in which the data and maps elaborated for the Floods Directive fall. It is the set of land areas and coastal waters defined...