PAI Sicily - Hydrographic basin of the Ippari river (080) and areas between t...
The drainage basin of the Ippari River (code 080) and the areas between the drainage basin of the Acate – Dirillo River (code 079) and the drainage basin of the Irminio River... -
PAI Sicily - Asinaro River Hydrographic Basin and area between the Tellaro an...
The area in question, located in the eastern part of Sicily, falls within the municipal territories of Avola and Noto, in the province of Syracuse, and has an extension of about... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Màzzaro River and Territorial Area bet...
The Hydrographic Basin of the Màzzaro River and the territorial area between the Màzzaro River basin and the Arena River basin are located in the extreme western portion of... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Magazzolo River and Territorial Area b...
Il bacino idrografico del Fiume Magazzolo e l’adiacente area sono localizzati nelversante meridionale della Sicilia ed occupano una superficie complessiva di circa231,39 Kmq,... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 31 Railways and tram...
Linear, punctual and area elements of the railway and tramway network of the Province of Florence. Information layers of the art. 31 of the Provincial Territorial Coordination... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the San Leone River and Intermediate Area ...
Il bacino idrografico del Fiume San Leone è situato nel settore centro-occidentale delversante meridionale della Sicilia ed occupa una superficie complessiva di 207,4km2; esso... -
Acoustic zoning
Vector files in dgn format on Gauss Boaga geographical coordinates relating to the municipal acoustic zoning plan -
Urban cartography
Urban cartography -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the basin of the Forgia torrent and Pun...
The drainage basin of the Forgia torrent (048) occupies a total area of about 62 km2 and has an elongated shape in the SE-NW direction, with a more extensive development on... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the San Leonardo River Basin and the An...
The area under study is located between the hydrographic basins of the Anapo and San Leonardo rivers, in the central-northern portion of the Ibleo plateau, and covers an area of... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the basin of the Caronia stream and the...
The hydrographic basin of the Santo Stefano torrent with the western territorial area, included between the basin of the Santo Stefano torrent and the basin of the Tusa torrent,... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 10 Procurement areas...
Perimeteration of the areas of retrieval for the establishment of parks, reserves and ANPIL in the Province of Florence. Information sheet of the art. 10 - Finding areas for the... -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic Basin of the Termini River and area between the Ter...
The catchment area of the Termini stream and the adjacent area to the west, between the Termini stream basin and the Mazzarrà stream basin, are located in the eastern portion... -
Basic Cartography
Vector numerical cartographic base in cad format deriving from aerial acquisition and photorestitution -
PAI Sicily - Hydrographic basin of the Furiano stream and territorial area be...
The hydrographic basin of the Furiano torrent and the adjacent eastern area, between the basin of the Inganno torrent and the basin of the Furiano torrent, are located in the... -
PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the Cassibile River basin and the Asina...
The Basin of the Cassibile River and the intermediate areas between the basins of the Anapo and Asinaro rivers are located in the south-eastern portion of Sicily and extend over... -
Tuscany Region - Areas subject to natural constraints or other specific const...
Article 32 of Reg. (EU) 1305\2013 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), designates "areas subject to natural... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 9 Ecological-environ...
Ecological-environmental connection corridors of the river network in the Province of Florence. Information sheet of the art. 9 Areas of ecological-functional connection of the... -
PTCP 2013 - Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 21 Areas of recovery...
Polygonal elements of the recovery and/or environmental restoration areas of the Province of Florence. Information layers of the art. 21 - Environmental recovery and/or... -
Municipal Waste Production - Indicator
The service displays the data relating to Urban Waste Production in the Piedmont Region in the form of indicators. The following urban waste collection indicators have been made...