PAI Sicily - Territorial area between the Cassibile River basin and the Asinaro River basin (088) Cassibile River Hydrographic Basin (089) Territorial area between the Anapo River basin and the Cassibile River basin (090)

The Basin of the Cassibile River and the intermediate areas between the basins of the Anapo and Asinaro rivers are located in the south-eastern portion of Sicily and extend over a total area of ​​approximately 263.358 km2. The entire area falls within the province of Syracuse and involves the municipal areas of Avola, Canicattini Bagni, Palazzolo Acreide, Noto, Syracuse. The only inhabited center inside the area is Avola.--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------List of published data:1) Basin report, decree of the President of the Region and meeting minutes in digital format (.pdf) 1.1) 088-089-090 REPORT.pdf 1.2) report_delibera_verbale.pdf (1st Update 2015) 1.3) 20191223_09_089-090-091-092_Report.pdf + 20191223_09_089 -090-091-092_VCP.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 1.4) 20200304_CP_087_088_089_Relation.pdf + 20210209_DP_07_Avola.pdf + 20200304_VCP_Avola.pdf (Update relating to Presidential Decree No. 7 of 09/02 /2021)2) Cartography in digital format (.pdf) 2.A) Disaster map in scale 1:10.000 (N.40 tables) 2.A.1) 088-090_D_STAMPA_645120_01.pdf 2.A.2) 088- 090_D_STAMPA_645150_03.pdf 2.A.3) 088-090_D_STAMPA_645160_04.pdf 2.A.4) 088-090_D_STAMPA_646120_02.pdf 2.A.5) 088-090_D_STAMPA_646130_05.pdf 2.A.6) 088-090_D_STAMPA_646140_06.pdf 2.A .7) 088-090_D_STAMPA_646150_07.pdf 2.A.8) 088-090_D_STAMPA_646160_08.pdf 2.A.9) 088-090_D_STAMPA_648040_09.pdf 2.A.10) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649 010_10.pdf 2.A.11) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649020_11 .pdf 2.A.12) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649030_12.pdf 2.A.13) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649040_13.pdf 2.A.14) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649050_14.pdf 2.A.15) 088-090_ D_STAMPA_649060_15.pdf 2.A. 16) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649070_16.pdf 2.A.17) 088-090_D_STAMPA_649100_17.pdf 2.A.18) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_D_646160.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.A.1 9) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_D_649030.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2. A.20) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_D_649060.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.A.21) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_D_649070.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.A.22) 20150506_CP_0 88_089_090_D_649100.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.A.23) 20191223_09_D_646070 .pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.24) 20191223_09_D_646080.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.25) 20191223_09_D_646100.pdf (Update 2 019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.26) 20191223_09_D_646110.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.27) 20191223_09_D_646120.pdf ( Update 2019 - Presidential Decree n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.28) 20191223_09_D_646140.pdf (Update 2019 - Presidential Decree n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.29) 20191223_09_D_6461 50. pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.30) 20191223_09_D_646160.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.31) 20191223_09_D_649020.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.32) 20191223_09_D_649030.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A. 33) 20191223_09_D_649040.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.A.34) 20200304_CP_D_649010.pdf (Update relating to D.S.G. n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021 ) 2. A.35) 20200304_CP_D_649020.pdf (Update relating to the D.S.G. n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.A.36) 20200304_CP_D_649030.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.A.37) 20200304_CP_D_649050.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.A.38) 20200304_CP_D_649060.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.A.39) 20200304_CP_D_649070.pdf ( Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.A.40) 20200304_CP_D_649090.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.B) Map of the hazard and of geomorphological risk in scale 1:10.000 (N.40 tables) 2.B.1) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_645120_01.pdf 2.B.2) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_645150_03.pdf 2.B.3) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_64516 0_04.pdf 2.B .4) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_646120_02.pdf 2.B.5) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_646130_05.pdf 2.B.6) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_646140_06.pdf 2.B.7) 088-090_P_R_ STAMPA_646150_07.pdf 2.B.8) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_646160_08 .pdf 2.B.9) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_648040_09.pdf 2.B.10) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_649010_10.pdf 2.B.11) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_649020_11.pdf 2.B.12) 088 -090_P_R_STAMPA_649030_12.pdf 2.B. 13) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_649040_13.pdf 2.B.14) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_649050_14.pdf 2.B.15) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_649060_15.pdf 2.B.16) 088-090_P R_STAMPA_649070_16.pdf 2.B.17) 088-090_P_R_STAMPA_649100_17. pdf 2.B.18) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_PR_646160.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.B.19) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_PR_649030.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.B.20) 2015050 6_CP_088_089_090_PR_649060.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.B. 21) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_PR_649070.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.B.22) 20150506_CP_088_089_090_PR_649100.pdf (1st Update 2015) 2.B.23) 20191223_09_PR _646070.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.24) 20191223_09_PR_646080.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.25) 20191223_09_PR_646100.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.26) 20191223_09_PR_646110.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.27) 20191223_09_PR 646120 .pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.28) 20191223_09_PR_646140.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.29 ) 20191223_09_PR_646150.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.30) 20191223_09_PR_646160.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/201 9) 2.B .31) 20191223_09_PR_649020.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.32) 20191223_09_PR_649030.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/ 2019) 2 .B.33) 20191223_09_PR_649040.pdf (Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019) 2.B.34) 20200304_CP_PR_649010.pdf (Update relating to D.S.G. n°7/AdB of 09/02/2 021 ) 2.B.35) 20200304_CP_PR_649020.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.B.36) 20200304_CP_PR_649030.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02 /2021) 2.B.37) 20200304_CP_PR_649050.pdf (Update relating to D.S.G. n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.B.38) 20200304_CP_PR_649060.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.B.39) 20200304_CP_PR_649070.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.B.40) 20200304_CP_PR_649090.pdf (Update relating to Legislative Decree n°7/AdB of 09/02/2021) 2.C) Hydraulic hazard map to scale 1:10.000 (N. 9 tables) 2.C.1) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_646120_02.pdf 2.C.2) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_646130_05.pdf 2.C.3) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_646160_08 .pdf 2.C.4) 088- 090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_649020_11.pdf 2.C.5) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_649030_12.pdf 2.C.6) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_649040_13.pdf 2.C.7) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_ 649060_15.pdf 2.C.8) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_649070_16.pdf 2.C .9) 088-090_PER_IDR_STAMPA_649100_17.pdf 2.D) Hydraulic risk map in scale 1:10.000 (4 tables) 2.D.1) 088-090_RISCHIO_IDR_STAMPA_646120_02.pdf 2.D.2) 088-090_RISCHIO_IDR_ST AMPA_646160_08.pdf 2 .D.3) 088-090_RISCHIO_IDR_STAMPA_649070_16.pdf 2.D.4) 088-090_RISCHIO_IDR_STAMPA_649100_17.pdf 3) Thematic maps in digital format (.pdf) scale 1:50.000 3.1) 088-090_CARTA_LITOLOGIA.pdf 3.2) 088-090_CARTA_USOSUOLO.pdf 4) Union framework in digital format (.pdf) 4.1) 088-090_quadro_unione.pdf5) Census files in digital format (.pdf) 5.1) SCHEDE_AVOLA.pdf 5.2) SCHEDE_SIRACUSA.pdf----------- ------------------------------------------- Publication G.U.R.S. n.53 of 11/17/2006 Updates: 1st Update - D.P.R. no. 514 of 11/17/2015 - G.U.R.S. no. 53 of 12/18/2015. Update 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB of 23/12/2019 - G.U.R.S. no. 3 of 17/01/2020. The updates relating to the D.S.G. n° 7/AdB of 09/02/2021 are published in the G.U.R.S. no. of .

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 27, 2023, 10:54 (UTC)
Created June 27, 2023, 10:54 (UTC)
GUID r_sicili:b3b0d4e0-f365-4122-8961-ff5d891c1fc7
access_constraints ["nessun vincolo", "nessun vincolo"]
bbox-east-long 15.338330000000
bbox-north-lat 37.095440000000
bbox-south-lat 36.867250000000
bbox-west-long 14.871410000000
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2006-11-17"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2021-02-09"}]
frequency-of-update asNeeded
harvest_object_id 539649cc-2e88-4908-96cd-0fe7ecfcc4fe
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence ["nessuna condizione applicabile"]
lineage Produzione dell'Assessorato Regionale del Territorio e dell'Ambiente - Dipartimento dell'Ambiente fino all'anno 2018; competenza transitate con L.R. n. 8 del 8 Maggio 2018 all'Autorità di Bacino del Distretto Idrografico della Sicilia dall'anno 2019, su base cartografica CTR 1:10000 Regione Sicilia delle carte tematiche e della relazione del bacino.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pubblicazione G.U.R.S. n.53 del 17/11/2006Aggiornamenti:I° Aggiornamento - D.P.R. n. 514 del 17/11/2015 - G.U.R.S. n. 53 del 18/12/2015. Aggiornamento 2019 - D.P. n.9/AdB del 23/12/2019 - G.U.R.S. n. 3 del 17/01/2020.Gli aggiornamenti relativi al D.S.G. n° 7/AdB del 09/02/2021 sono pubblicati sulla G.U.R.S. n° del .
metadata-date 2012-05-15T22:00:00Z
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Siciliana", "roles": ["owner"]}, {"name": "Regione Siciliana - Assessorato Regionale del Territorio e dell'Ambiente - Dipartimento Regionale Ambiente", "roles": ["author"]}, {"name": "Regione Siciliana - Presidenza - Autorit\u00e0 di Bacino del Distretto Idrografico della Sicilia", "roles": ["author"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[14.87141, 36.86725], [15.33833, 36.86725], [15.33833, 37.09544], [14.87141, 37.09544], [14.87141, 36.86725]]]}
spatial-reference-system 25833
spatial_harvester true