Traffic data wheel (infrared detectors) Hamburg

General information: The data set includes traffic data from all locations in Hamburg where bicycle traffic is recorded using infrared detectors 24 hours a day and every day of the year. The data record contains both the traffic volumes of individual counting fields and counting points aggregated from several counting fields in real time. The schematic structure of the data acquisition and data aggregation is described in a separate document, which can be found in the references. The data of the counting fields are provided in 5 and 15 minute intervals as well as in daily intervals. The data from the counting stations is available aggregated in 15 and 60 minute intervals as well as in daily and weekly values. The data from the counting points is also visualized in the corresponding geoportals of the FHH, e.g. Geo-Online and Verkehrsportal. In addition to the real-time data, historical data is also available to the following extent: counting fields: all data for the previous seven days in 5 and 15 minute intervals, all data for the previous month in hourly intervals, all data for the current and previous year in daily intervals. Counting points: all data for the previous seven days in 15-minute intervals, all data for the previous month in hourly intervals, all data for the current year and the previous year in daily intervals, all data since the start of collection in weekly intervals. Further information on the technical implementation of the data provision can be found in the metadata of the associated data services. Information on the technology: The infrared detectors are usually installed on lighting masts, but sometimes also on other masts. The detectors record and count the traffic via the heat radiation of the individual road users. Since only infrared images are evaluated, data protection is guaranteed at all times. Notes on data quality: The data is transmitted in real time to the FHH Urban Data Platform. In this way, they are available promptly to all users and interested parties. Due to the real-time component, however, various framework conditions must be observed: At the time of the first publication, the data was not comprehensively quality-assured. Unusual deviations from the expected data and data gaps are automatically recognized by the system, but cannot currently be corrected in real time. Gaps that occur, e.g. due to a break in data transmission, can be supplied later. Under certain circumstances and in the case of longer failures, changes in the historical data can still occur after a few days. The data published here is not officially verified data from the FHH. As with any traffic count, whether automated or manual, there are certain tolerances in the measurement accuracy. Demands on the system used here are accuracies for the counting fields of +/- 10% when recording bicycle traffic on sidewalks, cycle paths and cycle lanes and +/-20% when recording bicycle traffic in mixed traffic with motor vehicles. Since counting points are formed from a combination of different counting fields, the deviation can be up to +/-20%. Basically, it should be noted that the system, including the recording technology, is still under development in 2020 found. The historical data from 2020 can therefore be used to evaluate the basic development of traffic, but sometimes have greater inaccuracies and jumps in data quality.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 30, 2023, 07:27 (UTC)
Created April 8, 2023, 16:53 (UTC)
Identifier 9869a260-ba1c-48f1-ba25-c1811e8450d8
Issued 2020-11-12T19:05:22.410000+00:00
Modified 2020-11-12T19:05:22.410000+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Transparenzportal Hamburg: Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende (BVM), Amt Verkehr
Start of temporal extent 2019-12-31
Theme [""]
harvest_object_id 8d502f24-b391-4253-8f71-f0f0a17d0760
harvest_source_id 5834713e-abaf-4e2e-a258-6c4b11237880
harvest_source_title The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[10.326304, 53.394985], [10.326304, 53.964153], [8.420551, 53.964153], [8.420551, 53.394985], [10.326304, 53.394985]]]}
spatial_text ['Hamburg (02000000)']