The dataset contains the municipal borders of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in January 2019 with the new municipal limits deriving from the following Regional Laws: Lr n. 14 of 10/30/2018 - Establishment of the municipality of Borgocarbonara through the merger of the municipalities of Borgofranco sul Po and Carbonara di Po, in the province of Mantua; Lr no. 20 of 6 December 2018 - Incorporation of the municipality of Ca' d'Andrea into the municipality of Torre de' Picenardi, in the province of Cremona Lr n.21 of 6 December 2018 - Establishment of the municipality of Solbiate with Cagno through the merger of the municipalities of Solbiate and Cagno, in the province of Como Lr n. 26 of 28 December 2018 - Establishment of the municipality of Piadena Drizzona through the merger of the municipalities of Piadena and Drizzona, in the province of Cremona Lr n.27 of 28 December 2018 - Establishment of the municipality of Colli Verdi through the merger of the municipalities of Canevino, Ruino and Valverde, in the province of Pavia Lr n. 28 of 28 December 2018 - Incorporation of the municipality of Bigarello into the municipality of San Giorgio di Mantova, in the province of Mantua.