Municipality of Rozzano - Population Statistics - Natural Population Balance
Natural Balance of the Population (last 15 years) -
Historical Markets
Markets with historical value and markets of particular value -
Municipality of Lecco artistic and architectural heritage
List of artistic and architectural assets present in the territory of the Municipality of Lecco -
Municipality of Dovera - Quantity of waste produced
Separated and undifferentiated waste produced in 2017 -
Province of Cremona - Managers' measures
List of measures adopted by managers -
Agro-silvo-pastoral road map
Routes classified as agro-forestry-pastoral roads. It covers the entire territory of the region and is updated by the mountain communities through an online application. -
Municipality of Barzio - Managers' measures
This dataset has no description
CDD Cast
List of Day Centers for the Disabled. -
Martignana municipality - List of Practices
List of Practices -
Polis - Lombardy Payment Data 1st Quarter 2018
Data relating to Polis - Lombardy payments pursuant to art. 4/bis paragraph 2 Legislative Decree 33/2013 -
Fair titles Exercise Card
The dataset contains for each company holder of an active Operational Card (CE) (with partial or total operational status, depending on the status of endorsement of the... -
Municipality of Rivarolo Mantovano - Provincial register of heating system ma...
This dataset has no description
Municipality of Concesio - # Green Areas
17 Green Areas -
Municipal estimates data
This archive contains aggregate municipal values calculated from the results of regional-scale simulations performed with a chemical-physical air quality model. These are... -
Quantity of waste produced by differentiated and non-differentiated waste collection, specifying the category and collection method in the Municipality of Ranzanico -
gonzaga municipality - Active buildings
Active buildings -
Water utilities: Total collection of 2021 fees (post late payment %2)
This dataset has no description
Municipality of Rivarolo del Re ed Uniti - List of rental fees
This dataset has no description
cream municipality - Divorce List
Divorce List -
Municipality of Credera Rubbiano - List of owned properties
List of identifying information on properties owned