DBTR - Sea area (Sottoarea) - (MAR_GPGSA)
It represents portions of sea areas, adjacent to the marine coastline, whose acquisition is significant (e.g. due to the presence of defense works or other artefacts, islands or... -
DBTR - Body of Water (Boundary) - (SDA_GLIBN)
Includes surface water bodies characterized by slowly changing or stagnant water; it can be natural or generated by retention works, it can be connected or not connected to the... -
DBTR - Argine (Sottoarea) - (ARG_GPGSA)
Corresponds to the forms of retention and collection of water. This class describes the artificial embankments of both natural and artificial watercourses, the management works... -
DBTR - Diga (Sottoarea) - (DIG_GPGSA)
Hydraulic structure built along a watercourse with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and the level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate... -
WMS of the XDBTR (Series of data that supports and integrates the Regional Topographic Data Base (DBTR) - Emilia-Romagna Region) -
Municipal administrative limits 2019 with DbT/PGT polygon updates
The dataset contains the municipal borders of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in January 2019 with the new municipal limits deriving from the following Regional... -
Administrative limits Montane Community 2019 with DbT/PGT updates
The dataset contains the borders of the mountain communities of the Lombardy Region. -
Municipal administrative limits 2019 with DbT/PGT line updates
The dataset contains the municipal borders of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in January 2019 with the new municipal limits deriving from the following Regional... -
Administrative limits Provinces 2019 with DbT/PGT updates
The dataset contains the borders of the provinces of the Lombardy Region. -
2014 administrative limits of the provinces of the Lombardy Region
The dataset contains the polygons of the provinces of the Lombardy Region. -
Lombardy Region administrative limits 2019 with DbT/PGT updates
The dataset contains the borders of the Lombardy Region. -
XDBTR WMS (Data series that supports and integrates the Regional Topographic Database (DBTR) - Emilia-Romagna Region) -
Topographic Data Base means the reference base built starting from the "traditional" contents of a technical map obtainable with the large-medium scale stereorestitution... -
DBTR2008 - Number - (PAL_GPT)
Entities consisting of simple poles in wood or other material but which are never constituted by a reticular type structure or in any case with a considerable section are... -
DBTR - Pasture or Fallow - (PAI_GPG)
Portion of territory mainly characterized by the presence of herbaceous vegetation and shrubs intended for free grazing of domestic animals, governed or not by man -
DBTR - Transportation Artifact - (MTR_GPG)
It includes works for furnishing the road platform, and land surfaces equipped for different modes of transport -
DBTR - Palo - (PAL_GPT)
Sono descritte in questa classe le entità costituite da pali semplici in legno o di altro materiale ma che non sono mai costituiti da struttura di tipo reticolare o comunque di... -
DBTR - Elemento stradale - (EST_GLI)
Rappresenta i flussi di circolazione nell'Area stradale ed in genere corrisponde alla mezzeria della carreggiata laddove questa è ben distinta, cioè alla mezzeria dell'Area di... -
DBTR - Area in trasformazione o non strutturata - (TNT_GPG)
Superficie in cui sono in corso attività di riassetto del territorio. Corrisponde in genere ad aree in cui sono presenti cantieri e per le quali risulta quindi impropria la... -
DBTR - Civico - (NCV_GPT)
Posizione dell'elemento fisico che istituisce un numero civico