House surroundings NW

House surrounds (HU) reproduce the geometry of over 10 million building floor plans in North Rhine-Westphalia as a shape file. House surrounds are derived from ALKIS objects for buildings and planar structures. In addition to the geometry, the individual objects contain the attributes official municipal code, object identifier, building/structure function and date of actuality. Status of the data used: January 1, 2023.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 3, 2023, 10:00 (UTC)
Created April 8, 2023, 16:41 (UTC)
Identifier 3f08a580-48ec-43c1-936d-d62f89c21cc9
Issued 2023-06-14T12:03:22+00:00
Modified 2023-01-20T04:17:00+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Geoportal
Theme [""]
harvest_object_id 5f99f684-fb75-4ab6-acc5-9d2c943333c3
harvest_source_id 5834713e-abaf-4e2e-a258-6c4b11237880
harvest_source_title The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[5.8, 52.6], [9.5, 52.6], [9.5, 50.3], [5.8, 50.3], [5.8, 52.6]]]}