ALKIS NW floor plan data
According to the law on state surveying and the real estate cadastre (VermKatG NRW), a parcel is a limited part of the earth's surface, which is recorded in the real estate... -
House surroundings NW
House surrounds (HU) reproduce the geometry of over 10 million building floor plans in North Rhine-Westphalia as a shape file. House surrounds are derived from ALKIS objects for... -
Digital basic landscape model NW
The Digital Basic Landscape Model (Basic DLM) describes the landscape in the form of topographical objects and represents a presentation-neutral, object-based vector data set.... -
Historical official base map NW 1:5,000 black and white
The Historical Official Base Map (Historical ABK) covers a map scale of 1:5,000 as a topographic base map. The Historical ABK represents the interface between the... -
Historical digital basic landscape model NW
The Digital Basic Landscape Model (Basic DLM) describes the landscape in the form of topographical objects and represents a presentation-neutral, object-based vector data set.... -
INSPIRE NW Hydro - Network ATKIS Basic DLM
The database contains the water network (here: network) for the area of North Rhine-Westphalia in the INSPIRE data structure (derived from ATKIS Basis-DLM). The update cycle... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:25 000
The DTK 25 is a (digital) topographic map on a scale of 1:25,000. It is derived largely automatically from the data from the Digital Landscape Model NRW and other official... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:100,000
The digital topographic map on a scale of 1:100,000 (DTK100) represents large-scale topographical relationships in an abstract form. -
Historical official base map NW 1:5,000 color
The Historical Official Base Map (Historical ABK) covers a map scale of 1:5,000 as a topographic base map. The Historical ABK represents the interface between the...