Very sensitive areas WAV, 250 m zone
250 meter zone around very vulnerable areas Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act, current policy. By PS decision of 20 September 2013, the southeastern boundary of area 348 has... -
Buffer zone around highly vulnerable areas (WAV) sensitive to acidification (...
This file contains buffer zones of 250 meters around acidification-sensitive, very vulnerable areas (based on WAV) as established in the Environmental Vision for the Province of... -
Acidification sensitive, very vulnerable areas (WAV) (Environmental Ordinance...
This file contains highly sensitive areas for acidification (based on WAV) as determined in the Environmental Ordinance Province of Groningen 2016. We have included rules for... -
Very fragile and derelict areas WAV
Very vulnerable areas Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act, current policy. The dilapidated areas are also included in this file. Number of areas have been adjusted compared to... -
INSPIRE Protected Sites - Ammonia and Livestock Farming Areas Act (WAV)
This data is standardized for the provincial INSPIRE delivery. The Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act protects very vulnerable areas against ammonia emissions caused by livestock... -
Very sensitive areas WAV
Very vulnerable areas Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act, current policy. Number of areas have been adjusted compared to 2008 in response to the decision to designate highly... -
Buffer zone around acidification sensitive, very vulnerable areas (WAV) (Envi...
This file contains buffer zones of 250 meters around acidification-sensitive, very vulnerable areas (based on WAV) as established in the Environmental Ordinance Province of... -
Very vulnerable areas Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act (WAV)
The dataset shows the acidification-sensitive areas located in the EHS. Part has been designated as a highly sensitive area (the Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act applies here),... -
Nature - Vulnerable areas Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act (WAV)
The WAV (Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act) has defined vulnerable and very vulnerable areas. The Provincial Council has designated very vulnerable areas on the basis of the... -
Acidification sensitive areas (WAV)
This file contains the Acidification Sensitive Areas (WAV). With the Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act (WAV), the government limits ammonia emissions and thus acidification in... -
Highly vulnerable areas (WAV) sensitive to acidification (Environmental Visio...
This file contains highly sensitive areas for acidification (based on WAV) as determined in the Environmental Vision for the Province of Groningen 2016-2020. Fertilization and... -
Zeer kwetsbare natuurterreinen i.h.k.v. de Wet ammoniak en Veehouderij
De Wet ammoniak en veehouderij beschermt zeer kwetsbare gebieden tegen de uitstoot van ammoniak die wordt veroorzaakt door veehouderijen. Op grond van deze wet wijzen...