INSPIRE SN habitats and biotopes
The dataset contains information on areas with specific ecological conditions, processes, structures and (life-supporting) functions as a physical basis for organisms living... -
Biotope types (environmental atlas)
Area-wide map of biotope types Berlin, basis: terrain and aerial photo mapping of the biotope types (primary data) and secondary data - environmental atlas of urban structure,... -
Biotope types: data sources (environmental atlas)
Differentiation of data sources such as terrestrial mapping in protected areas/areas worthy of protection, biotope mapping otherwise. Natural and open spaces through aerial... -
Biotope types (environmental atlas)
Factual data for the Berlin biotope type map, basis: terrain and aerial photo mapping of the biotope types (primary data) and secondary data - environmental atlas of urban... -
Biotope types: biotope values (environmental atlas)
Presentation of the biotope value and the potential for conflict in the event of interventions in nature and the landscape based on the Berlin biotope type map -
Biotope types: habitat types FFH (Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Guideline) (environment...
Representation of the FFH habitat types (LRT) and LRT complexes (biotope does not have the required characteristics but has the potential to develop into a LRT) in accordance... -
Selective biotope mapping (old stock) of the state of Brandenburg
As a rule, the biotopes were recorded on a scale of 1:25,000, suspected CIR areas on a scale of 1:10,000. The biotopes were recorded with varying intensity (CIR aerial photo... -
Biotopes, protected biotopes (§ 30 BNatSchG and § 18 BbgNatSchAG) and FFH hab...
A biotope in the sense of this biotope mapping is an area that can be clearly defined in the terrain with a relatively uniform vegetation and/or use structure. An area or a part... -
Landscape program Hamburg
Reference scale for the representations of the landscape program: 1:20,000 actuality of the database: Hamburg landscape program in the July 1997 version, including the 1st-159th... -
Landscape program Hamburg - overview of changes
"Hamburg landscape program - overview of changes" shows all areas in which changes have been identified since the plan was published in July 1997, or corrections have been made... -
Environmental indicators NRW
The environmental indicators of the LANUV are measured and key figures with which both the current environmental situation and development trends can be clearly presented and... -
Legally protected biotopes (Göttingen district)
Legal basis: Legally protected biotope § 30 BNatSchG and § 24 NAGBNatSchG. Protection intensity: relatively high. Legal protection according to § 30 BNatSchG for: 1. natural or... -
Selective biotope mapping (old stock) of the state of Brandenburg
As a rule, the biotopes were recorded on a scale of 1:25,000, suspected CIR areas on a scale of 1:10,000. The biotopes were recorded with varying intensity (CIR aerial photo... -
FFH areas in Germany
FFH areas (area reports by the federal states and the federal government in accordance with the fauna-flora-habitat guideline). -
ILE Project Locations Integrated Rural Development
Presentation of the locations of the projects (investment measures) in species and biotope protection that were funded via the "integrated rural development, part: natural... -
ILE Project Locations Integrated Rural Development
Presentation of the locations of the projects (investment measures) in species and biotope protection that were funded via the "integrated rural development, part: natural... -
Biotopes, protected biotopes (§ 30 BNatSchG and § 18 BbgNatSchAG) and FFH hab...
A biotope in the sense of this biotope mapping is an area that can be clearly defined in the terrain with a relatively uniform vegetation and/or use structure. An area or a part... -
Bird sanctuaries in Germany
Bird protection areas in Germany (area notifications by the federal states and the federal government in accordance with the bird protection guidelines). -
Species and biotope protection - AuBS (formerly APRO)
The species and biotope protection map (AuBS) with its associated explanatory report is an essential, binding part of the landscape program. It describes comprehensive...