Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID - Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND - federal state,... -
Road accidents (aggregated)
This metadata record was generated by the mCLOUD and summarizes all individual metadata records of this data series. Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ##... -
Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID - Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND - State, here only... -
Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID - Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND - State, here only... -
Road traffic accidents in Germany
Precise data on road traffic accidents in Germany. This is information from the statistics of road traffic accidents. This is based on the accident reports from the police... -
Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID - Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND - State, here only... -
Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID - Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND - State, here only...