
Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID - Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND - State, here only 01 = Schleswig-Holstein - UREGBEZ - always 0 - UKREIS - district - UGEGEINDE - municipality - UJAHR - accident year - UMONAT - accident month - USTUNDE - accident hour - UWECHENDAY - weekday: 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday , … 6 = Saturday - UKATEGORIE - Accident category (criterion for classification is the most serious consequence of the accident): 1 = accident with fatalities, 2 = accident with serious injuries, 3 = accident with minor injuries - UART - type of accident: 1 = collision with approaching/stopping/stationary vehicle, 2 = collision with preceding/waiting vehicle, 3 = collision with vehicle traveling sideways in the same direction, 4 = collision with oncoming vehicle, 5 = collision with turning/crossing vehicle, 6 = collision between vehicle and pedestrian , 7 = impact with lane obstacle, 8 = lane departure to the right, 9 = lane departure to the left, 0 = other type of accident - UTYP1 - type of accident: 1 = driving accident, 2 = turning accident, 3 = turning/crossing accident , 4 = crossing accident, 5 = accident caused by stationary traffic, 6 = accident in parallel traffic, 7 = other accident - ULICHTVERH - lighting conditions: 0 = daylight, 1 = twilight, 2 = darkness - IstRad - accident with bike : 1 if at least one bicycle was involved in the accident - IstPKW - accident involving a car: 1 if at least one passenger car was involved in the accident - IstFuss - accident involving a pedestrian: 1 if at least one pedestrian was involved in the accident was involved - IstKrad - Accident involving a motorcycle: 1 if at least one motorcycle, such as a moped, motorcycle/scooter was involved in the accident - IstGkfz - Accident involving a goods vehicle: 1 if at least one truck was involved in the accident normal body and a total weight of more than 3.5 t, a truck with tank support or special body, a tractor unit or another tractor unit was involved - IsOther - Accident with others: 1 if at least one means of transport not mentioned above (e.g. bus or train) was involved - USTRSTATE - Road condition: 0 = dry, 1 = wet/damp/slippery, 2 = slippery - LINREFX - The geo-coordinates of the accident location on the road section (UTM coordinate of the ETRS89 reference system, zone 32N) - LINREFY - XGCSWGS84 - The geocoordinates of the accident site on the road section (geographical coordinates in decimal degrees of the WGS84 reference system) - YGCSWGS84 ## Data origin This is an extract from the accident data for Germany https:// Filtering was done for the entries where ULAND=01 is. In the geo-coordinates, the comma has been replaced by a decimal point. Further explanations on the traffic accident data can be found on the page of the accident atlas of the statistical offices of the federal and state governments.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 20, 2023, 13:16 (UTC)
Created June 20, 2023, 13:16 (UTC)
End of temporal extent 2021-12-31T00:00:00
Identifier c5afadd6-f180-43bf-8953-a8f3cd1b1d96
Issued 2022-07-09T00:00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2022-08-17T10:42:24.615758
Publisher URI
Publisher name Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder
Spatial URI
Start of temporal extent 2021-01-01T00:00:00
Theme [""]
contributorID [""]
harvest_object_id 22fbbbde-8081-43ce-8ded-3e9ac50c8827
harvest_source_id 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d
harvest_source_title Germany - Open Data Portal
is_version_of [""]
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spatial_text Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein