Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein ## Description of the fields - ID
- Consecutive number of the accident (one data record per accident) - ULAND
- State, here only 01
= Schleswig-Holstein - UREGBEZ
- always 0
- district - UGEGEINDE
- municipality - UJAHR
- accident year - UMONAT
- accident month - USTUNDE
- accident hour - UWECHENDAY
- weekday: 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday , … 6 = Saturday - UKATEGORIE
- Accident category (criterion for classification is the most serious consequence of the accident): 1 = accident with fatalities, 2 = accident with serious injuries, 3 = accident with minor injuries - UART
- type of accident: 1 = collision with approaching/stopping/stationary vehicle, 2 = collision with preceding/waiting vehicle, 3 = collision with vehicle traveling sideways in the same direction, 4 = collision with oncoming vehicle, 5 = collision with turning/crossing vehicle, 6 = collision between vehicle and pedestrian , 7 = impact with lane obstacle, 8 = lane departure to the right, 9 = lane departure to the left, 0 = other type of accident - UTYP1
- type of accident: 1 = driving accident, 2 = turning accident, 3 = turning/crossing accident , 4 = crossing accident, 5 = accident caused by stationary traffic, 6 = accident in parallel traffic, 7 = other accident - ULICHTVERH
- lighting conditions: 0 = daylight, 1 = twilight, 2 = darkness - IstRad
- accident with bike : 1 if at least one bicycle was involved in the accident - IstPKW
- accident involving a car: 1 if at least one passenger car was involved in the accident - IstFuss
- accident involving a pedestrian: 1 if at least one pedestrian was involved in the accident was involved - IstKrad
- Accident involving a motorcycle: 1 if at least one motorcycle, e.g normal body and a total weight of more than 3.5 t, a truck with tank support or special body, a tractor unit or another tractor unit was involved (this category is included in "Accident with other" in the years 2016 and 2017) - IsOther
- Accident with others: 1 if at least one means of transport not mentioned above (e.g. bus or train) was involved - USTRSTATE
- Road condition: 0 = dry, 1 = wet/damp/slippery, 2 = slippery - LINREFX
- The geo-coordinates of the accident location on the road section (UTM coordinate of the ETRS89 reference system, zone 32N) - LINREFY
- The geocoordinates of the accident site on the road section (geographical coordinates in decimal degrees of the WGS84 reference system) - YGCSWGS84
## Data origin This is an extract from the accident data for Germany https:// Filtering was done for the entries where ULAND=01
is. In the geo-coordinates, the comma has been replaced by a decimal point. Further explanations on the traffic accident data can be found on the page of the accident atlas of the statistical offices of the federal and state governments.