Population forecast 2016 (BP2016): population by age
Raw data population forecast 2016: population by age. The South Holland Population Forecast 2016 (BP2016) is intended as a quantitative basis for the provincial housing policy.... -
Carpool spaces - Number of parking spaces and facilities 2022
Number of parking spaces and the presence of facilities at carpool places in the province of Utrecht. -
Area management - Parking lots and carpool spaces
Overview of the car parks and carpool places along roads and waterways that are managed by the province of South Holland -
Escarpment van eat
This file contains steep edges of ash trees, located within the province of Groningen. Steep edges of ash trees at the transition to the stream valley are shown insofar as they... -
National potential of aquathermal energy: analysis and review of the possibil...
However, one of the options that has received limited attention in the heat transition to date is aquathermal energy. In this national study, CE Delft and Deltares have... -
Feature service of glass clusters in West and Oostland in South Holland. Contains information about heat demand in PJ. Based on research by Grontmij and Bureau Bloc (Oostland)... -
Heat profiles clusters Current
The heat profiles are intended to help municipalities create their heat transition vision. With the heat profiles, an initial exploration of the heat demand of the municipality... -
Heat profiles clusters Future
The heat profiles are intended to help municipalities create their heat transition vision. With the heat profiles, an initial exploration of the heat demand of the municipality... -
Heat profiles - Heatmap future heat demand
The heat profiles are intended to help municipalities create their heat transition vision. With the heat profiles, an initial exploration of the heat demand of the municipality... -
Heat profiles - Heatmap current heat demand
The heat profiles are intended to help municipalities create their heat transition vision. With the heat profiles, an initial exploration of the heat demand of the municipality... -
LakeIJssel FL47-48 turbulent stress 20Hz
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LakeIJssel FL47-48 turbulent stress 50Hz
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Precipitation - radar 5 minute reflectivity composites over the Netherlands -...
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Seismic site response zonation map
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Hazardmaps - seismic hazardmaps for Groningen, the Netherlands
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SPI-3 - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) over 3 months
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SPI-1 - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) over 1 month
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SPI-6 - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) over 6 months
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SYNOP - hourly unvalidated observations from the KNMI automated network in bi...
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Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily precipitation sum 2050 GL
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