The heat profiles are intended to help municipalities create their heat transition vision. With the heat profiles, an initial exploration of the heat demand of the municipality is visualized. Based on a number of properties of the buildings in the municipality, an estimate is made of the expected heat demand and the temperature level of this heat. This provides quick and clear insight into the heat transition tasking in your own municipality. The result of the tool can be seen as an initial exploration of solutions for a new, sustainable heat supply. In the heat profiles tool, homes and other buildings are clustered based on the expected required temperature for heat emission in the home in 2050: high temperature (HT; >70°C), low temperature (LT; <55°C) or medium temperature (MT; 55-70°C). The temperature level depends on the amount of heat required to keep the house warm in winter (the degree of insulation) and the heat emission systems. The so-called 'temperature clusters' provide insight into the required future heat profile of the municipality; the temperature levels and the amount of heat per area. The heat profiles were developed by the Heat Transition Makers on behalf of the Province of South Holland. More info: Warmteprofiles%20tool%20-%20versie%20juni%20%2720.pdf