Noise protection forest NRW
This map layer contains the representation of the forest in North Rhine-Westphalia with the function noise protection as part of the forest functions NRW. -
GK 25 A - Geological map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1:25,000 (analogue)
The geological maps of North Rhine-Westphalia at a scale of 1:25,000 provide basic data on the rocks on the earth's surface. They provide information about their distribution,... -
GÜS measuring points NRW
GÜS measuring points in NRW checked data from ELWAS-WEB: - master data - on-site protocols - chemical measured values of the sampling - taxalists - measuring point evaluation... -
Street directory of the town of Baesweiler
List of all currently assigned street names in the city of Baesweiler. The data set is updated annually. -
Residential areas Wuppertal
The polygons of the Wuppertal residential areas form the thematic layer for the residential area map of the city of Wuppertal, which has been updated and approved annually by... -
Drinking water analysis by Stadtwerke Münster
This data record contains the average measured values of the drinking water analysis of the Stadtwerke Münster. The parameters contained in the files are: pH value,... -
Meerbusch: 2020 road accidents
Road traffic accidents reported to the police in the city of Meerbusch -
Total cadastral area - municipalities - reference date
Total cadastral area - municipalities - reference date -
Map layer shipping channel NRW (GSK3C, edition 30.11.2010)
The "shipping canal" map layer represents the axes of the shipping canals in North Rhine-Westphalia. The shipping canals are part of the water station map of the state of North... -
Raw hydrological data (HYGON)
Current unchecked raw data on water level (W), water temperature, water quality and precipitation (N) from HYGON. Any errors that may occur, including incorrect values, can only... -
Building references NW
The building references define the exact position of a georeferenced location designation (address) of a building object in the real estate cadastre. Compared to the house... -
Warnings and fines stationary traffic (parking violations) 2020
Der Datensatz enthält die erteilten Verwarn- und Bußgelder (Knolle/ Knöllchen) bei Parkverstößen im Bonner Stadtgebiet. Die Liste der Ordnungswidrigkeiten ist sortiert... -
District heating network of Netzgesellschaft Düsseldorf mbH
The district heating network of Netzgesellschaft Düsseldorf mbH includes geodata for the district heating sector within the network area. In accordance with Netzgesellschaft... -
Group Layer: Climate Analysis - Climate Top Map
In the NRW climate analysis, the climatic situation is recorded and presented across the board in NRW, and the (thermally) stressed settlement areas (= effective areas) are... -
Streets of inter-local traffic according to building authorities and street c...
Streets of inter-local traffic according to building authorities and street classes (4) - independent towns and districts - key date -
Digital Topographic Map NW 1:100 000
The digital topographic map on a scale of 1:100,000 (DTK100) shows large-scale topographical relationships in an abstract form. -
1m contour lines Wuppertal 2015 (with exemption)
The data set "1m contour lines Wuppertal 2015 (with exemption)" contains contour lines with an equidistance of 1 m and exemption on the buildings from the official real estate... -
100m contour lines Wuppertal 2015
The data set "100m contour lines Wuppertal 2015" contains contour lines with an equidistance of 100 m for the entire urban area of Wuppertal. There are 5 different... -
Locations of the glass containers
Locations of glass containers in the city of Münster This dataset contains around 300 locations. Each is equipped with at least one white and one green glass container. In the... -
Surrounding polygon of the monument areas of the city of Aachen