Seabird distribution monitoring
Data and Resources
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service contains information on the population density of the Fulmar...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of Arctic Tern...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of the little...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service contains information on the population density of the Horned...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of the common...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of the sandwich...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of the Great...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of red-throated...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service contains information on the population density of the common...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of the kittiwake...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of the northern...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service contains information on the population density of black...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of common eider...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides population density information of the herring gull...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides population density information for velvet screed ducks...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of Lesser...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service provides information on the population density of guillemots...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service contains information on the population density of the...
Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Seevogelerfassung...WMS
This service contains information on the population density of the Red-necked...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | August 17, 2023, 08:35 (UTC) |
Created | August 17, 2023, 08:35 (UTC) |
Alternate identifier | ["ac4d8b2b-7901-4013-8e55-17632b9ff50b"] |
Contact email | |
Contact name | Bundesamt für Naturschutz |
Frequency | |
GUID | |
Identifier | ac4d8b2b-7901-4013-8e55-17632b9ff50b |
Issued | 2021-12-28 |
Language | [""] |
Modified | 2022-07-18 |
Publisher URL | |
Publisher email | |
Publisher name | Bundesamt für Naturschutz |
Theme | ["", "", ""] |
URI | |
access_rights | Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen |
contributorID | [""] |
dcat_type | |
harvest_object_id | 33b65c43-5559-4266-933f-0e869f6ac739 |
harvest_source_id | 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d |
harvest_source_title | Germany - Open Data Portal |
maintainer_city | Bonn |
maintainer_country | Deutschland |
maintainer_street | Konstantinstrasse 110 |
maintainer_tel | +492288491-1221 |
maintainer_url | |
maintainer_zip | 53179 |
metadata_harvested_portal | |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[3.615243, 55.910558], [15.7154, 55.910558], [15.7154, 47.1419], [3.615243, 47.1419], [3.615243, 55.910558]]]} |