Lead in sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:PB_2000_05-10)
This layer shows lead in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Nickel, total in water, 2005-2010 (MSRL:NI_TT05-10)
This layer shows nickel, total in the water, from 2005 to 2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Copper in sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CU_2000_05-10)
This layer shows copper in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Chrom im Sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CR_2000_05-10)
This layer shows chromium in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Salinity: Summer Mean (Surface), 2006-2014 (MSRL:PSAL_M06-14SU)
This layer shows the salinity: average summer (surface), 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Green algae: max. Degree of coverage, 2010 (MSRL:COV_OP_MAX10)
This layer shows the maximum mapped extent of green algae on the Lower Saxony coast in 2010. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Nitrate-N: mean winter concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:NTRA_M06-14)
This layer shows nitrate N: average winter concentration, 2006-2014 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Blei im Sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:PB_20_05-10)
This layer shows lead in the sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Silicate Si: mean winter concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:SLCA_M06-14WI)
This layer shows silicate Si: average winter concentration, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Chrom im Sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CR_20_05-10)
This layer shows chromium in the sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Nitrite-N: mean winter concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:NTRI_M06-14WI)
This layer shows the nitrite-N: mean winter concentration, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Cadmium, total in water, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CD_TT05-10)
This layer shows cadmium, total in the water, from 2005 to 2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Salinity: Mean (Surface), 2006-2014 (MSRL:PSAL_M06-14)
This layer shows salinity: mean (surface), 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of the... -
Ammonium-N: mean winter concentration, 2005-2010 (MSRL:AMON_M05-10WI) MDI-DE
This layer depicts ammonium-N: mean winter concentration, 2005-2010 in the German North and Baltic Seas. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and... -
Arsenic, total in water, 2005-2010 (MSRL:AS_TT05-10)
This layer shows arsenic, total in the water, from 2005 to 2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Total phosphorus P: mean concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:PTOT_M06-14)
This layer depicts total phosphorus P: average concentration, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed... -
MSRL-D8: Lead dissolved in water
Mean value of lead at 1m water depth from 2005 to 2010. -
Cadmium im Sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CD_2000_05-10)
This layer maps cadmium in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Nature Parks Germany
Germany-wide overview of designated nature parks. Nature parks (§ 27 BNatSchG) are large-scale cultural landscapes in which the protection and preservation of biotope and... -
Eulittoral mussel beds in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park, 1988
Overview map Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea polygon cover