The dataset (points) identifies the specific limitations, present on the roads under provincial jurisdiction, to the transitability of exceptional transports indicated in the chapter. 7 of annex "A" to the D.G.R. n. XI/1341 of 04/03/2019, "Guidelines for the exercise of the functions relating to the authorizations for the circulation of exceptional transport, L.R. 4/4/2012, n. 6, art. 42", 2nd update (to the guidelines approved with DGR no. X/6931 of 24 July 2017 and the Guidelines approved with DGR no. Limitations present in the itineraries that can be traveled by vehicles for the transport of coils, raw laminates and blocks of natural stone, with a total mass of up to 108 tons, with a load limit per axle of 13 tons. (lit. "H")