Striking buildings on Wuppertal's cycle paths

The data set includes (as of December 2020) 15 striking buildings along the course of municipal cycle paths in the city of Wuppertal. These are exclusively bridges and tunnels over or through which the cycle paths run. The vast majority of the striking buildings relate to the Sambatrasse and the Nordbahntrasse, two cycle paths built on former railway lines with a high level of leisure and adventure value. The structures are geometrically represented by the linear section of the associated cycle path that runs over or through the structure. The data set is therefore to be understood as a supplement to the data set "Wuppertal cycle routes", in which the complete cycle paths, represented by the central axes of the associated streets and paths, are documented. The data set was first completed in spring 2015 and has been updated since then as changes in the area of ​​prominent buildings occur. The ESRI shapefiles, KML and GeoJSON files provided as open data under the CC BY 4.0 license are updated weekly in an automated process.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 3, 2023, 09:57 (UTC)
Created July 27, 2023, 16:51 (UTC)
Identifier 524c39e4-d984-4de4-9736-c047b6999e5c
Issued 2023-11-02T00:45:09+00:00
Modified 2023-11-02T00:45:09+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Wuppertal
Theme [""]
harvest_object_id 2bc45db4-c589-47ef-9472-1d75c8ca40bd
harvest_source_id 5834713e-abaf-4e2e-a258-6c4b11237880
harvest_source_title The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)