The interoperable INSPIRE Mapping Service (WMS) Health and Safety provides an overview of the isophonic maps of road traffic noise in Brandenburg according to Directive 2002/49/EC (Environmental Noise Directive). This requires the EU member states to assess and combat environmental noise. As a result, strategic noise maps had to be drawn up by June 30, 2007 as part of the first stage. These are to be revised and updated every five years. The data in question includes the 3rd stage of the EU noise mapping (2017). All municipalities in the state of Brandenburg with roads > 3 million vehicles/year were examined. As required by Section 2 of the 34th BImSchV, the two noise indices LDEN and LNight are displayed on duty. According to the INSPIRE data specification Human Health And Safety (D2.8.III.5_v3.0), the contents of the map are INSPIRE-compliant. The WMS contains the following layers: - HH.HealthDeterminantMeasure: contains isophones of road traffic noise exposure for the day (lden) and night (lnight) - HH.HealthDeterminantMeasure.MRoad.lden: contains isophones of road traffic noise exposure for the day (lden) - HH.HealthDeterminantMeasure .MRoad.lnight: contains isophones of road traffic noise pollution for the night (lnight) --- The compliant INSPIRE view service (WMS) Human Health And Safety provides an overview of the strategic noise maps for major roads in Brandenburg. According to the Directive 2002/49/EC regarding the assessment and management of environmental noise it requires the EU member states for the evaluation and abatement of noise. Therefore, strategic noise maps had to be elaborated until June 30th 2007 (1st stage). Every five years these maps have to be reevaluated and updated accordingly. The geodata refers to the third stage of the DIRECTIVE 2002/49/EC (2017). All major roads were taken into account that have a traffic volume of more than 3 million. motor vehicles per year. The content of the map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Human Health And Safety (D2.8.III.5_v3.0). The WMS includes the following layers: - HH.HealthDeterminantMeasure: contains the noise level contours of major roads during the day (lden) as well as during the night (lnight) - HH.HealthDeterminantMeasure.MRoad.lden: contains the noise level contours of major roads during the day (lden) - HH.HealthDeterminantMeasure.MRoad.lnight: contains the noise level contours of major roads during the night (lnight)