Geological overview map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200) - CC 7118 Stuttgart - North

Blatt Stuttgart-Nord is almost completely occupied by the southern German escarpment landscape. The southern part of the Odenwald is shown in the north-west corner of the map section. In the area of ​​the southern German stratum landscape, characteristic strata formed as a result of weathering and erosion of gently sloping sediment formations of the Mesozoic (Muschelkalk to Malm). The following rock sequence can be recorded from south-east to north-west: In the south-east corner of the map sheet, lias and dogger of the Swabian Jura are cut, which are followed in a north-westerly direction by Keuper, shell limestone and Buntsandstein sediments. In the lowlands and depressions, especially in the Heilbronner Mulde, the Mesozoic is overlaid by Pleistocene loess. The clod area of ​​the Kraichgau is recorded on the western edge of the map section, south of Heidelberg. When the Upper Rhine Graben collapsed in the Tertiary, parallel fault lines and clod staircases developed alongside the main faults. In addition to shell limestone, Keuper, Lias and Dogger, Cenozoic loose sediments can also be found in a small area. The oldest rocks are in the north-west corner of the map sheet, in the Odenwald. Its western part is composed of metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Paleozoic and Precambrian respectively. Gneisses and amphibolites dominate the metamorphites. The magmatites are acidic to basic plutonites (granite, granodiorite diorite) and late Variscan volcanic rocks (rhyolite and rhyolite tuff). In contrast, the eastern part of the Odenwald consists of sandstone and claystone of the Buntsandstein. In the vicinity of the Odenwald, Zechstein sediments cut out in the course of the Neckar and Laxbach rivers. In addition to the legend, which provides information about the age, genesis and petrography of the units shown, a geological section provides additional insights into the structure of the subsoil. The profile line begins in the crystalline of the Odenwald and crosses the southern German strata landscape in a southeasterly direction, crossing the Neckar valley, the Heilbronner Mulde, the Neckar-Jagst furrow, the Murr valley and the Rudersberg.

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Field Value
Last Updated August 30, 2023, 15:13 (UTC)
Created August 17, 2023, 07:46 (UTC)
Alternate identifier ["650CF950-6D72-4A92-A665-E85AD973BDE2"]
Contact email
Contact name Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
Identifier 650CF950-6D72-4A92-A665-E85AD973BDE2
Issued 2007-03-14
Language [""]
Modified 2022-08-17
Publisher email
Publisher name Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
Theme ["", "", ""]
contributorID [""]
harvest_object_id 651a10f7-aa77-4073-86c3-3fa21793d427
harvest_source_id 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d
harvest_source_title Germany - Open Data Portal
maintainer_city Hannover
maintainer_country DE
maintainer_street Stilleweg 2
maintainer_zip 30655
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.68, 49.6], [10.0, 49.6], [10.0, 48.8], [8.68, 48.8], [8.68, 49.6]]]}