The digital field block cadastre (DFBK) is an agricultural area cadastre. It contains all agriculturally used and eligible areas in the states of Brandenburg and Berlin with their location, size and other information. The DFBK serves as a reference system for checking area-related agricultural subsidy applications and consists of field blocks and landscape elements. A field block (FB) can be used by one or more farms and represents a continuous agricultural area surrounded by permanent boundaries with a predominantly uniform main land use. Landscape elements (LE) are landscape features such as e.g. hedges, rows of trees, coppice, piles of stones that are located in or on the field block. If a field block contains areas that cannot be used for agriculture and are not an eligible landscape element, these are marked as non-eligible areas (NBF). The field blocks, landscape elements and NBF areas are digitized on the basis of aerial photographs (digital orthophotos) in the agricultural offices of the districts and urban districts as part of the EU IACS procedure (integrated administration and control system). The data provided here in the form of FB and LE also contain numerical information on the proportion of areas in areas relevant to funding (e.g. nature reserves, NATURA2000 areas and others).