Digital field block cadastre
The digital field block cadastre (DFBK) is an agricultural area cadastre. It contains all agriculturally used and eligible areas in the states of Brandenburg and Berlin with... -
Landscape elements applied for and found to be eligible for funding in NRW
Landscape features applied for are considered part of the eligible area. They are subject to cross-compliance regulations. The current database is retrieved once a day. -
Catch crop from autumn sowing 2021
Funding for the agri-environmental measure Cultivation of catch crops in accordance with the guidelines for the promotion of agri-environmental measures, circular of the... -
Ecological priority areas in NRW
Presentation of stable (potential) ecological priority areas. As part of the greening, farms with more than 15 hectares of arable land are obliged to reserve 5% of their arable... -
Catch crop GA 2015 NRW
Determination of the background due to the particularly nitrate-polluted red groundwater bodies of the 1st and 2nd BWP (management plan) less existing water cooperation areas... -
Landscape elements in NRW
Landscape features are considered part of the eligible area and a premium can be claimed for them. They must have a clear assignment to a field block. Which landscape elements... -
Partial plots applied for and determined to be eligible in NRW
A field represents an area within a field block applied for by a farmer with a crop type. There can be several fields with the same and/or different types of use within a field... -
In the Fertilizer Ordinance §§ 5, 13a, WHG §38a and in the GAPKondV § 15 management requirements for the protection of surface waters are defined, partly taking into account an... -
Environmentally sensitive permanent grassland in NRW
The environmentally sensitive permanent grassland includes the permanent grassland that existed as permanent grassland in flora-fauna-habitat areas (FFH areas) on 01/01/2015.... -
Historical field blocks in NRW
A field block represents a continuous utilized agricultural area surrounded by permanent boundaries, cultivated by one or more farmers with one or more crops, fully or partially... -
Areas at risk of wind erosion in NRW
Field blocks that are subject to cross-compliance-relevant management requirements due to their risk of wind erosion (according to the Ordinance on the Classification of... -
Historical landscape elements in NRW that have been applied for and found to ...
Historical landscape features applied for are considered part of the eligible area. They are subject to cross-compliance regulations. The current database is retrieved once a... -
Landscape elements applied for and found to be eligible for funding in NRW
Landscape features applied for are considered part of the eligible area. They are subject to cross-compliance regulations. The current database is retrieved once a day. -
Historical landscape elements in NRW
Landscape features are considered part of the eligible area and a premium can be claimed for them. They must have a clear assignment to a field block. Which landscape elements... -
Areas with special environmental restrictions in NRW (TopUp)
Presentation of areas particularly worthy of protection with further management restrictions. These are "no reseeding", "no use of pesticides", "restriction of spring tillage",... -
Thuringian area reference system Feldblock
For use in the application process of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), digital data levels are required that represent the current situation of... -
Search backdrop edge strips according to WHG §38a or DVO §5 in NRW
Representation of agriculturally used field block parts, which are in the vicinity of a body of water and have an average slope, which are subject to consideration according to... -
Exception to the ban on plowing up catch crops in the Rhineland in NRW
As of 2018, certain districts and urban districts in the Rhineland region have the option of cultivating catch crops that are cultivated as ecological priority areas as part of... -
Historical partial plots in NRW that have been applied for and determined to ...
A field represents an area within a field block applied for by a farmer with a crop type. There can be several fields with the same and/or different types of use within a field... -
Permanent grassland in NRW
All lofts that have a true grassland code regardless of whether or not they have reached five years of age. Permanent grassland plots according to VO (EU) No. 1307/2013. The...