Topographic Data Base means the reference base built starting from the "traditional" contents of a technical map obtainable with the large-medium scale stereorestitution process, such as to support the integration operations of "thematic" data specific to the various functions of the public administration, with the aim of ensuring that both the initial and thematic data can then be used for information exchange, for synthesis and for the representation of information at various scales. Compared to numerical cartography whose purpose is fundamentally the construction of the data necessary for the automatic production of the map and which therefore takes care of the signs that must be represented, the Topographic Database project proposes the definition of the contents and their organization so as to be able to automatically reproduce the traditional map, as happens with digital cartography products, and to be able to aggregate the constituent elements of digital cartography into objects present in the area and referable in their complex geometric components, such as for example a building, the road traffic area of a road with a given toponym, a dam, the territory of a given municipality, etc.