classified road network Brandenburg - motorway mileage

The layer contains the zoom-dependent mileage lines with the information on the operating kilometers of the motorway. In addition to stationing, there is also a system of (operational) mileage on the motorways. The federal highways are provided with continuous length information in kilometers from their physical beginning to their end, regardless of administrative boundaries. The mileage (usually the stationary operational mileage) is to be understood as a clear reference for stationing (measured to the nearest 1 m). Lengths or length intervals in stationing and operational mileage are identical.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 3, 2023, 09:54 (UTC)
Created April 8, 2023, 16:40 (UTC)
Identifier 3a328e88-9250-42f8-947f-98d278892917
Issued 2023-10-18T07:37:02.038000+00:00
Modified 2023-10-18T07:37:02.038000+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Landesbetrieb Straßenwesen Brandenburg
Theme [""]
harvest_object_id 80323f9b-b1c4-473b-b2d1-39e77bbd20c7
harvest_source_id 5834713e-abaf-4e2e-a258-6c4b11237880
harvest_source_title The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)