Bus stops Constance

The data set contains the locations of the bus stops of the Konstanz buses, including the name of the stop and the stop ID. Provided by the City of Konstanz, Office for Real Estate and Geoinformation. ### Data source: Open Data Konstanz under CC-BY 4.0

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 29, 2023, 23:53 (UTC)
Created June 7, 2023, 08:27 (UTC)
GUID https://mcloud.de/web/guest/suche/-/results/detail/b30cda11-2bf1-4f98-989a-5e3107073680
Identifier b30cda11-2bf1-4f98-989a-5e3107073680
Issued 2022-11-03T15:30:00.474000+00:00
Modified 2022-12-28T10:28:43.860000+00:00
Publisher URI https://mcloud.de/web/guest/suche/-/results/detail/b30cda11-2bf1-4f98-989a-5e3107073680#publisher
Publisher name Stadt Konstanz
Theme ["http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/TRAN"]
URI https://mcloud.de/web/guest/suche/-/results/detail/b30cda11-2bf1-4f98-989a-5e3107073680