The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetation, ground cover and small landscape elements (line and point-shaped elements). The presence of important faunal elements has also been taken into account. Compared to version 1, the updated BWK, version 2, attempts to meet more requirements and needs, both in terms of content and accuracy. This version of the BWK also includes the Natura 2000 habitat types. Flanders currently has 47 Natura 2000 habitat types from Annex I of the Habitats Directive. In addition, 15 regionally important biotopes have also been defined in Flanders. These are biotopes that are comparable to habitat types in terms of biological values and importance for biodiversity, but which are less threatened at European level. This map provides the best available information in 2016 about the distribution of the Natura 2000 habitat types, the regionally important biotopes and the mapping units of the Biological Valuation Map. This may be a simplification of the reality on the ground. At all times, the real situation on the ground applies for application for the policy and legal framework.