Biological Valuation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map - Status 2014
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetation, ground cover... -
WMS Institute for Nature and Forest Research
Web Map Service with data from the Institute for Nature and Forest Research. -
Vulnerability Information System
This series reports the information levels relating to the vulnerable areas: - springs - aquifers - fire risk - floodplains - floodable areas - hydraulic risk - hydrogeological... -
WMS Flemish Land Company
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Land Agency. -
Biological valuation card, version 1, 1
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetation, land use and... -
Biological Valuation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map - Status 2018
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetation, ground cover... -
Physical system map
Generalization of the Belgian soil map (1: 20,000). Combining soil map units into zones, characterized by soil, relief and hydrological landscape features, which determine the... -
Biological Valuation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map - Status 2016
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetation, ground cover... -
Biological Valuation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map - Status 2020
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetation, ground cover... -
WFS Biological Valuation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map
Direct download service for the Biological Valuation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map. -
WMS Flemish Land Company
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Land Agency. -
WMS Institute for Nature and Forest Research
Web Map Service with data from the Institute for Nature and Forest Research. -
NCSC Security Advisories
Security advice is published by the NCSC in response to a recently found vulnerability or identified threat. A security advisory contains the description, the possible... -
Risk of subsoil compaction
This grid file (with cell size 25x25 m) provides information in a number of classes about the risk of subsurface compaction in relation to land use. -
Susceptibility to wind erosion (history)
Susceptibility to wind erosion. Wind erosion is understood as blowing away or atomizing of the soil. -
Compaction risks (history)
Indication of the areas with the relatively highest densification risks. -
Danger of water erosion (history)
Map of the danger of water erosion. Land use is also taken into account here. Water erosion is defined as the washing away of soil by running water. -
Province of Biella - BDG integrated vulnerability
The integrated vulnerability dataset provides a precise picture of the potential risk of pollution of the aquifers in the provincial territory. This data integrated with the... -
Biological Appreciation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map - Status 2016
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetations, soil cover... -
Biological Appreciation Map and Natura 2000 Habitat Map - Status 2018
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory based on a set of mapping units that represent vegetations, soil cover...