Soil functions and planning information 2001 (environmental atlas)
Six soil functions and the planning information derived from them for soil protection based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2001),... -
Mean runoff donation for the time series 1986 -2015 (BAGLUVA)
Mean discharge rate for the time series 1986-2015 (BAGLUVA) The geometry of the database is not aligned to catchment areas. For balancing, the corresponding area must be cut out... -
IS BK 50 soil map of NRW 1 : 50,000 - data set
The data set reproduces the contents of the soil map 1 : 50,000 of North Rhine-Westphalia without page cuts and nationwide. When information is called up from a GIS, each... -
IS BK5 Soil map for agricultural site exploration of NRW 1: 5,000 - data set
Data set of the IS BK5 soil map for the agricultural site exploration of NRW 1: 5,000. The dataset reproduces the content of all digitally processed large-scale soil maps of... -
Mean groundwater recharge from precipitation (1971-2000)
Groundwater recharge from precipitation is a residual component of the water balance. It is described as the proportion of precipitation total reduced by actual evaporation and... -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2005 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2005), processing status February 2009. -
IS FSK 50 forest location map 1 : 50,000 of NRW (overview map), based on the ...
The data set shows the site properties for forest sites in NRW on a scale of 1 : 50,000. The overall water balance and the natural nutrient supply of the locations are shown. It... -
IS FSK 5 RCP4.5 Forest site map 1:5,000 of NRW, based on the soil map 1:5,000...
The data set shows the site properties for forest sites in NRW on a scale of 1 : 5,000 based on projection data according to climate scenario RCP4.5 for the period 2071-2100.... -
MGrowa - Potentially drained areas NRW
The grid map contains the potentially drained areas in NRW (model result). The map was derived from the NRW-wide cooperation project GROWA+ NRW 2021 on the basis of the soil map... -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2001 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2001), processing status August 2005. -
Groundwater recharge during the dry period (1971-1973)
Groundwater recharge from precipitation is a residual component of the water balance. It is described as the proportion of precipitation total reduced by actual evaporation and... -
Water balance 2017 - infiltration from precipitation (environmental atlas)
Water balance variables including input parameters from the ABIMO model (status 2017) based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2015),...