INSPIRE download service harmonized Protected Areas - Cultural history ATOM
This download service shows the National Monuments, City and Village Views and the Dutch UNESCO cultural World Heritage. The data has been harmonized in accordance with INSPIRE... -
Point locations and contours of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the Dutch government. These national monuments are of national... -
National monuments (outdated)
The dataset 'Rijksmonumenten (obsolete)' contains data of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the government. These national... -
This dataset contains the nationwide mapping of pumping stations according to the data of the Dutch Gemalenstichting (NSG). Both the existing pumping stations (working or not)... -
The 'mills' dataset contains the country-wide mapping of 'classic' windmills according to the data of the De Hollandsche Molen Association. Only the existing mills or mill... -
Meadow mills and wind engines
The dataset 'meadow mills and wind engines' contains the country-wide mapping of these types of mills according to the data of the Vereniging De Hollandsche Molen in the... -
The 'Hunebedden' dataset contains the locations of all the dolmens that are still visible. -
Point locations and contours of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the Dutch government. These national monuments are of national... -
Core registration of monuments
The monuments registration contains all national monuments and municipal monuments in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Heritage Ordinance (2015) protects the cultural-historical values... -
All national, provincial and municipal monuments in Zaanstad -
The 'castles' dataset contains the nationwide mapping of intact castles, castle ruins and buildings with original castle walls, as well as ring ramparts. These are therefore... -
INSPIRE harmonized Protected Areas - Culture History
This dataset combines the data of three datasets, namely: the dataset of the monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the government, the... -
The dataset "coal mines" shows the thirteen mining sites that the Netherlands has known. The oldest was the Domaniale mine in Kerkrade, which was already producing in the 19th... -
The dataset "coal mines" shows the thirteen mining sites that the Netherlands has known. The oldest was the Domaniale mine in Kerkrade, which was already producing in the 19th... -
Monuments in the municipality of Bloemendaal and the municipality of Heemstede
This map contains all the heritage within the cooperating municipalities of Bloemendaal and Heemstede. The heritage consists of National, Provincial and Municipal Monuments. The... -
The 'mills' dataset contains the country-wide mapping of 'classic' windmills according to the data of the De Hollandsche Molen Association. Only the existing mills or mill... -
Rijksmonumenten (INSPIRE geharmoniseerd)
In deze dataset zijn de gegevens opgenomen van alle monumenten in Nederland die door het Rijk zijn aangewezen als beschermd monument. Deze rijksmonumenten zijn van nationale...