Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
Vector file of areas as referred to in the INSPIRE theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units'. The elements come from the 'Boundaries of... -
Boundaries of Polders, status 20/01/2023
Area of jurisdiction of Polder boards with associated administrative information. A polder is a public administration with the task of achieving favorable water management in... -
Gebiedsbeheer/gebieden waar beperkingen gelden/gereguleerde gebieden en rappo...
INSPIRE-compatibele directe overdrachtdienst met objecttypes uit INSPIRE Annex III Thema 'Gebiedsbeheer/gebieden waar beperkingen gelden/gereguleerde gebieden en... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
Vector file of areas as referred to in the INSPIRE theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units'. The elements come from the 'Boundaries of... -
Gebiedsbeheer/gebieden waar beperkingen gelden/gereguleerde gebieden en rappo...
INSPIRE-compatibele raadpleegdienst (Initial Operating Capability) met lagen uit INSPIRE Annex III Thema 'Gebiedsbeheer/gebieden waar beperkingen gelden/gereguleerde gebieden en... -
Administratieve eenheden
INSPIRE-compatibele raadpleegservice (Initial Operating Capability) met lagen die verband houden met INSPIRE Annex I thema Administratieve eenheden -
Potential Natural Vegetation, 2001
The PNV shows which Potential Natural Vegetation could develop in natural forestation. Human interventions that significantly alter hydrology, soil, etc. were not taken into... -
WCS Flemish Environment Agency
Web Coverage Service with data from the Flemish Environment Agency. (OGC:WCS transfer service) -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
INSPIRE compliant direct transfer service with object types from INSPIRE Annex III Theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units' (harmonised data). -
WFS Boundaries of Polders
Direct download service for the boundaries of polders -
Administrative units
INSPIRE (Initial Operating Capability) compliant consultation service with layers related to INSPIRE Annex I theme Administrative Units -
WMS Flemish Environment Agency
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Environment Agency. -
WCS Flemish Environment Agency
Web Coverage Service with data from the Flemish Environment Agency. (OGC:WCS transfer service) -
Digital orthophotos (leaf) Hamburg
For the production of digital orthophotos (DOP) and the derived aerial photo map 1:5000, a separate color image flight takes place every 3 years with full foliage in summer for... -
Digital elevation model Hamburg DGM 25
Derived, area-wide digital terrain model with a grid width of 25 meters based on DTM1. A laser scan survey (airborne laser scanning) was carried out in 2020 for the area of... -
Digital elevation model Hamburg DGM 10
Derived, area-wide digital terrain model with a grid width of 10 meters based on DTM1. In 2020, laser scanning measurements (airborne laser scanning) were carried out for the... -
Digital orthophotos Hamburg
Digital orthophotos: Leaf-free digital orthophotos (DOP20 - all of Hamburg, flight period March/April 2021) were generated from the aerial photo data of the spring survey flight... -
ATKIS digital basis landscape model Hamburg
Announcement: The introduction of GeoInfoDok 7.1 is planned in Hamburg in the 4th quarter of 2023. Do you use our basic geo data? Then check in good time whether you are... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
INSPIRE-compatible view service (Initial Operating Capability) with layers from INSPIRE Annex III Theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units'... -
Borders of Polders, state 20/01/2023
Polder management area with associated administrative information. A polder is a public administration with the task of establishing favorable water management for agriculture...