Traffic light history
This file contains an overview of the growth in the number of intersections controlled by traffic lights that are functionally managed by the municipality of Amsterdam. The... -
Map of the Principality of Lippe 1: 25,000, 1881-1883
The area of the former principality of Lippe, almost identical to today's district of Lippe, was not affected by the Prussian mapping. The present map series is an island map... -
Prussian map NW 1 : 25,000, new recording 1891-1912
Over a period of almost 50 years since the beginning of the state recording, the original recordings had not been reproduced due to the lack of military and civilian interest.... -
German base map NW 1:5 000
The German base map 1:5000 (DGK5) was the topographic base map series in North Rhine-Westphalia until February 2016. It will be replaced by the official base map 1:5000 (ABK). -
Digital topographic map NW 1:10 000, historic
The Digital Topographic Map 1:10,000 for North Rhine-Westphalia (DTK10 NRW) is a national map series that is automatically derived from object-structured data from the ATKIS®... -
Historical map from 1812-1832
Composite map based on the minute plans of the 1811 cadastre. The 45 map sheets within Zaanstad have been re-referented on the basis of the current map and re-vectorised in... -
Zoning plan data, plan boundaries with plan numbers -
Windmills in the Zaan region
Overview of all windmills that have stood in Wormerland, Oostzaan and Zaanstad. The name, function, type, year of construction and demolition date of the mills are known. It is... -
Aerial photo 2002
An aerial photograph is an image of part of the Earth's surface, photographed from a high vantage point away from the Earth's surface, usually from an aircraft. -
Bottom - address location
Map layer with suspicious activity. These are former business activities from, among other things, Hinderwet dossiers, damping/elevation, tanks and business activities. -
CHW Historical Geographic Map (Public)
The Historical-Geographical map shows important elements in the landscape such as dikes, ditches, roads, village ribbons, etc. This map is part of the Cultural-Historical Values... -
CHW Archaeology
The archaeological map shows the areas and terrains of archaeological value. The protected archaeological monuments are also listed here. This map is part of the... -
Location of measured transverse and longitudinal profiles of primary waterways and flood defences. -
Archaeological value map Zwartewaterland
This map indicates areas where archaeological sites are present, where sites are expected to be found and which zones are not expected to have any archaeological significance. -
CHW Historical Geographic Map
The Historical-Geographical map shows important elements in the landscape such as dikes, ditches, roads, village ribbons, etc. This map is part of the Cultural-Historical Values... -
Archaeological Sites
Amsterdam has a rich collection of archaeological sites. These can be loose objects or shards, but also all kinds of structures such as waste and embankment layers, foundations,... -
Content breda.nl
All current and historical content (as of April 3, 2017) from the municipal website Breda.nl. Including news items, Breda Messages and products/services -
Aerial photo 1978
An aerial photograph is an image of part of the Earth's surface, photographed from a high vantage point away from the Earth's surface, usually from an aircraft. -
Growth of Amsterdam
Overview (and animation in map view) of the year of construction of buildings in Amsterdam. This dataset is based on the 1:10,000 topographical Building Map and the Address File... -
Soil - HBB BSB business activities
Map layer with business activities known to the foundation BSB. (Soil remediation industrial sites = canceled)