Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows -
Non-forested area burned
It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto. -
Non-forested area burned
It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto. -
Results of a sampling concluded in 2013 and carried out on arboriculture plants for wood (excluding poplar groves) commissioned by the Forest Management Service of the Region to... -
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Based on the art. 6 of Regional Law 9/2005 concerning the protection of natural stable meadows, the regional administration codifies the natural stable meadows of the plains in... -
Non-forested area burned
It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto. -
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows