Road accidents in Constance
Road traffic accidents are accidents in which people are killed or injured or property is damaged as a result of driving on public roads and squares. The accident atlas contains... -
Border crossings motor vehicles Germany and Switzerland
The Swiss cantonal authority Thurgau and the Swiss Federal Roads Office (ASTRA) collect the average daily traffic volume (DTV) at the border crossings of motor vehicles at the... -
Target timetable data RAB
Target timetable data of the transport association, with and without route, in GTFS format. Since two different licenses apply here, please note the Notes on the license types... -
Speed enforcement Constance
In this data record, fines recorded by the municipal speed enforcement system in the city of Constance can be called up over the 12 months of a whole year; these are annual... -
Modal split constancy
In this data set, the modal split of the city of Konstanz can be retrieved from various surveys. The modal split is a statistical calculation that describes how traffic is... -
Target timetable data VHB
Target timetable data of the transport association, with and without route, in GTFS format. Since two different licenses apply here, please note the Notes on the license types... -
Traffic counts in Constance
This data set contains counting data from mobile counting stations of the MIV as well as bicycle and pedestrian traffic in the city of Konstanz. The field of action mobility is... -
Bicycle rental system konrad Konstanz
This data record contains location data as well as statistical data on the use of the bicycle rental system of Stadtwerke Konstanz. In addition to the konrad-Rädern... -
SimRa Constance
Every cyclist is familiar with these situations: the road is getting narrow, tailgating, risky overtaking manoeuvres, a near-turning accident or abrupt evasion of an unexpected... -
Stationary speed column Konstanz-Litzelstetten
This data set contains statistics from data from the stationary speed column in Litzelstetten. The Citizens' Registration Office of the City of Constance uses this to measure... -
PEGELONLINE hydrological data
Obtaining daily files with measured values of various hydrological parameters from the last 30 days -
Target timetable data VHB - with route
Target timetable data of the transport association, with route, in GTFS format. Please note the license supplement for this data set on NVBW notes on license types, paragraph... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC8718 Constance
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Target timetable data RAB - with route
Target timetable data of the national transport company, with route, in GTFS format. Please note the license supplement for this data set on NVBW notes on license types,... -
PEGELONLINE Current water levels
Current water levels of inland and coastal water gauges of the federal waterways -
Bundled Eco-Counter bicycle counting data Baden-Württemberg
The data listed is bundled bicycle counting data from the current Eco-Counter bicycle counting stations in cities and communities in Baden-Württemberg. The locally collected... -
Parking data Constance
Here you will find information about parking in the city of Konstanz, i.e. locations of parking spaces and real-time data from the parking guidance system about the current... -
Bicycle parking facilities in Constance
The data set contains the bicycle parking facilities in the city of Constance for the year 2020. The data are integrated into the state-wide bicycle parking facility profile and...