mCLOUD Metadatenkatalog
The BMDV open data portal mCLOUD offers a Export interface (REST-API) via the data as RDF according to the DCAT-AP.de specification or can be exported as CSV. Export as... -
mCLOUD Metadatenkatalog
The BMDV open data portal mCLOUD offers a Export interface (REST-API) via the data as RDF according to the DCAT-AP.de specification or can be exported as CSV. Export as... -
Heritage Leiden and Surroundings API (genealogy)
The digital archive of Heritage Leiden and Surroundings contains almost 4 million mentions of people. Partners, application developers and other interested parties can query the... -
Heritage Leiden and Surroundings API (image bank)
The image bank of Heritage Leiden and Surroundings contains a wide range of images: from original etchings by Rembrandt to born digital material of today. Partners, application... -
API timetable information VVO
API for VVO timetable information -
Road signs in the Netherlands
Commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and regional authorities, the data of traffic signs in the Netherlands is digitally stored and made... -
daten.berlin.de metadata
The metadata of all data sets published on daten.berlin.de can be queried directly via the CKAN API of the data portal.