River surface water - Assessment of ecological and chemical status/potential ...
Evaluation of the Ecological and Chemical Status/Potential of River Water Bodies in the Emilia-Romagna Region for the period 2014-2019. -
Monitoring network of the trophic state of marine-coastal waters (L.R. 3/99) ...
Monitoring network of the trophic state of marine coastal waters, pursuant to Regional Law 3/99. The stations are distributed in the stretch between Lido di Volano and Cattolica... -
Transitional waters monitoring network - adj. 2014
The monitoring of transition waters has as its objective the classification of lagoon waters and coastal ponds and is carried out in accordance with Legislative Decree 152/06.... -
Cyanobacteria monitoring network and Ostreopsis ovata algal monitoring network
Arpae, in agreement with the health service of the Emilia-Romagna Region, has been carrying out, since 2019, monitoring for the scientific study of the risks associated with the...