Indicators Crime Development (Safety)
Description Utrecht in Figures is the online database of the municipality of Utrecht. Here the Research & Advice department publishes figures about the city of Utrecht and... -
Heat stress and greenery on business parks (Natural capital)
Combination of heat stress with the share of greenery on business parks. The map shows two extremes: it is away from the business parks with a lot of heat stress and less than... -
Entrepreneurs of regional products (Natural capital)
Dataset with entrepreneurs in regional products. This is divided into two categories: agritourism and regional products. This map is based on the Marketing East database. This... -
Acidophilic indication value
Acidophilic indication value. The acidophilic indication value is a measure of the local acid load and is based on the occurrence of acid-loving epiphytic lichens. High values...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Co2 storage per municipality (Natural capital)
Potential carbon storage in soil by municipality. This is based on the total of all measures (improved crop rotations and use of green manures and catch crops, non-inversion... -
Paved runway Twente Airport (flat)
This file (surfaces) concerns the paved runway of the Twente Airport airport area. Runway 05: Landing from the southwest and taking off in a northeasterly direction. Runway 23:...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Indicators Social cohesion (Social strength)
Description Utrecht in Figures is the online database of the municipality of Utrecht. Here the Research & Advice department publishes figures about the city of Utrecht and... -
Map geological values
Geological values. Simplification of the Geomorphological Map. At the request of the province, this is now called Geothermal Values. Purpose of manufacture: ILG-Project...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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This map shows water level decisions. In a number of very water-rich areas, it makes sense to provide people with certainty about the water level. This determines, among other...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Indicators Households (Population)
Description Utrecht in Figures is the online database of the municipality of Utrecht. Here the Research & Advice department publishes figures about the city of Utrecht and... -
Gone fens since 1900
Fens are small natural bodies of water that traditionally occur on heaths and were wholly or largely fed with acidic rainwater. Natural fens are therefore acidic or slightly...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
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Points of sale of natural and green gas
Filling stations where natural gas and green gas are sold for use as transport fuel. These are public outlets where gas is sold to private individuals and companies. Green gas...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Biomass pie chart (Natural capital)
These pie charts show the distribution of biomass quantities (in percentage terms) per municipality in the following categories, roadside clippings, reeds and heaths, stems and... -
Indicators Income & benefits (Work & income)
Description Utrecht in Figures is the online database of the municipality of Utrecht. Here the Research & Advice department publishes figures about the city of Utrecht and... -
The average level of the groundwater, divided into different classes. This is also referred to as the Groundwater Trap (Gt). The groundwater level is measured in the field. The... -
Current Soil Carbon Balance (Natural Capital)
Current soil carbon balance in tons C per hectare per year for each postcode4 area. A positive balance means net storage of C in the soil. This contributes to combating climate... -
Roadside clippings (Natural capital)
Potential locations for biomass from roadsides, watercourses and hedgerows managed by the province of Overijssel. This dataset is used in the "biomass" map as part of the... -
Species diversity flora and fauna (Natural capital)
Estimated species diversity per kilometer cage in classes. Shown on the basis of data from the last 10 years from the National Database of Flora and Fauna. The seven most... -
Current Soil Carbon Balance (Natural Capital)
Current soil carbon balance in tons C per hectare per year for each postcode4 area. A positive balance means net storage of C in the soil. This contributes to combating climate... -
Inventory of meadow birds (Natural capital)
Areas where meadow birds have been observed. This concerns godwits, lapwings, shovelers, oystercatchers, redshanks, skylarks, curlews and snipes. The data has been used in the...