Urban fortification
Defenses intended to protect the inner city against attacks from outside. Initially, with city walls and canals, from the 16th century mainly applied a polygonal system of... -
Archaeological Monuments Map (2014)
The Archaeological Monuments Map 2014 (AMK 2014) contains an overview in 2014 of archaeological sites in the Netherlands. Since 2014, the AMK is no longer maintained by the... -
Valued town-village center of the municipality of Sluis
Valued town-village center of the municipality of Sluis -
Excavated Dike
route of former dike. The route can be a road, ditch or other linear element. (Note: dikes of which both the profile and the route have disappeared are not included in the CHS). -
Polders before 1300
Polders originated before 1300 -
systematic planting on a dike with trees or shrubs. -
road in the outlying area paved with vowels, a type of brick that does not absorb water, so it is suitable for foundations, paving, etc. -
Polders 1422 t/m 1532
Polders arise 1422 - 1532 (1530, 1532, two major storm surges in which large parts of Zeeland disappeared), -
a body of water located on one of both sides of a dike that has arisen in the event of a dike breach. -
Policy map of municipalities with regard to environmental plan (province) 201...
Archaeological map for the province of Zeeland's environmental plan 2018-2022 -
Polders 1533 t/m 1648
Polders were created between 1533 and 1648 -
Polders 1809 t/m 1953
1809 - 1953 (1953, flood disaster, resulting in the Delta Works) -
National monuments (outdated)
The dataset 'Rijksmonumenten (obsolete)' contains data of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the government. These national... -
Water bottom municipality of Hulst
Archaeology: Water bottom municipality of Hulst -
land between the (original) sea dike that is under serious threat or can no longer be maintained and the new sea dike constructed inland from it. -
Defenses WW2 (line)
Defense fortifications from the 1930s to defend Dutch territory or fortifications constructed by the German occupiers between 1940 and 1945. The category includes the following... -
Fire well, water well
well: dug well for the (drinking) water supply. fire well: water well to supply fire extinguishing water in the event of a fire. -
Historic tree
because of its appearance an iconic tree, dating from at least before 1953 (Watersnoodramp). -
rectangular basin against the outside of the sea dike, intended for the cultivation of oysters. -
Reduced village
Some villages can be characterized as reduced or incompletely developed settlements (hamlets or hamlets), for example Baarsdorp, Brijdorpe, Eversdijk, Hoogelande,...