Climate data Germany - average temperature
Average temperature since 1881 in Germany, time series for areal means for federal states and combinations of federal states. -
Climate data Germany - ice days
Ice days per month per weather station from 1981 to 2010. -
Seabed DTM
The seabed DTM dataset describes the topography of the seabed of the North and Baltic Seas. The depth reference system NHN. The position reference is ETRS89-UTM32. The raster... -
Classification of crops in terms of extent of cultivation
In the data sets, for the area of the gap indications in Germany, a classification of cultivated plant species is made with regard to the cultivation area and the consumption... -
Digital Topographic Map 1:1,000,000
The Digital Topographic Map 1:1,000,000 (DTK1000) contains the raster data of the map (D1000). The resolution of the data is 320 pixels per cm. The raster data is divided into...