Street directory of the town of Baesweiler
List of all currently assigned street names in the city of Baesweiler. The data set is updated annually. -
Traffic census in NRW - annual result 2013
Results of automatic permanent counting points on the "free stretches" of the roads of regional traffic in North Rhine-Westphalia - year 2013 -
Warnings and fines for stationary traffic (parking violations) from 2020
The data set contains the warnings and fines issued for parking violations in the Eschweiler city area. The list of administrative offenses is sorted according to the date and... -
Consumption data water MWIKE Berger Allee
The data set shows the monthly water consumption in cubic meters in the building of the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy at Berger Allee 25... -
3D building model NW LoD1
Together with a digital terrain model, 3D building models describe the natural terrain of the earth's surface including all buildings and structures in digital form and enable... -
The solar cadastre provides information about the solar radiation to be expected; it serves as a guide for building owners. The data are model results that serve as non-binding... -
Annual totals 1961-2020 of the net groundwater recharge (qrn) from mGROWA in ...
Download of the database from the water balance model mGROWA (Research Center Jülich on behalf of LANUV) as a reference data set for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia... -
contour model
The model was created in 2010 (AutoCAD module DTM). Includes the 3D contour line model over the planned area for the architectural city model. The contour lines are created from... -
Event-related hazard prevention measures carried out by the Arnsberg district...
These statistics provide an overview of the investigation and investigation/safety measures carried out by the district government of Arnsberg, Department of Mining and Energy... -
defect reporter
Collection of all problems reported via the defect reporter (https://mitmachen.dormagen.de/bms). The data set is updated once a week (Mondays at 04:10). This data record was...- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/GEOJSON
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Speed controls of the city of Aachen 2023
Excessive speed is very often the cause of accidents on Aachen's streets. For this reason, the safety and order department is regularly on the road with two mobile measuring... -
Traffic census for bicycle traffic: Data from the Münster Josefsviertel count...
There are a number of bicycle counters in the city of Münster. The Office for Mobility and Civil Engineering provides the number of cyclists counted daily at the bicycle... -
Map layers Provisionally secured flood areas
Provisionally secured flood areas are the preliminary stage for officially designated flood areas. They were determined on the basis of a flood event that is statistically to be... -
Locations compost container city of Aachen
The data record contains the locations, dates and collection times of the mobile collection points for green waste. Updated annually, further information:... -
organic waste
Total amount of organic waste and brown bins in the city of Dormagen This data set has been moved to the new joint OpenData portal of the Rhein-Kreis-Neuss. You can find it... -
emissions from urban buildings
The CO2 emissions of the municipal buildings are shown. -
groundwater hydrographs
Groundwater hydrographs of the city of Dormagen This dataset was updated to the new joint open data portal of the Rhein-Kreis-Neuss. You can now find this here: Dormagen:...- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/GEOJSON
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BAV Kat information
These statistics provide information on how much information was provided by the NRW mining authority from the old and suspected mining catalog (BAV-Kat) in the respective year.... -
Project old town.space
Evaluations of the online surveys and the interviews with passers-by on the altstadt.raum project. -
SEVAS - data for navigation of trucks from 3.5 tons
Truck-relevant navigation data from the SEVAS project entered and managed by the municipalities in NRW. The segment-related data referenced on the OpenStreetMap network about...