Road traffic accidents by type of damage, those involved in the accident and ...
Road traffic accidents by type of damage, those involved in the accident and people who had an accident - independent cities and districts - month -
Pollutant mobile city of Aachen
The data record contains the locations and times at which the mobile waste disposal vehicle drives together with the mobile waste disposal vehicle. You can find the other dates... -
Pollutant Mobile in Cologne
The pollutant mobile is regularly in every Veedel. In addition, hazardous waste can be collected at any time from the Recyclables Center. Note: Please keep yourself updated... -
Day-care centers in Wuppertal
The data set "Wuppertal day care facilities" includes the inventory data on the day care facilities (day care centers) of all providers in the Wuppertal city area (as of 12/2020... -
Lists of monuments according to the NRW Monument Protection Act
Digital lists of the objects of the individual municipalities that are under protection according to the North Rhine-Westphalian Monument Protection Act. Please note: the... -
Road accidents involving personal injury by accident type and road class - co...
Road accidents involving personal injury by accident type and road class - country - month -
Road traffic accidents by type of damage, those involved in the accident and ...
Road traffic accidents by type of damage, those involved in the accident and people who had an accident - independent cities and districts - month -
Fee for the drinking water supply of private households according to the type...
Fee for the drinking water supply of private households according to the type of fee - municipalities - reference date -
Is the spruce part of the near-natural forest in southern and eastern Westpha...
The spruce grows in North Rhine-Westphalia on approx. 252,000 hectares of forest and is particularly dominant in the montane areas. Hurricane-related forest damage, especially... -
IS BK 50 soil map of NRW 1 : 50,000 - data set
The data set reproduces the contents of the soil map 1 : 50,000 of North Rhine-Westphalia without page cuts and nationwide. When information is called up from a GIS, each... -
Water supply systems NRW
Water supply systems NRW - csv file with anonymous geodata (UTM coordinates) of water supply systems according to letter a) - master data water supply systems. According to § 3... -
Water stationing map 3E NRW (edition 30.11.2019)
The water stationing map (GSK) with the associated directories forms the basis for a nationally coordinated system for the allocation of data and information on flowing water,... -
SAPOS NW Geodetic Postprocessing Positioning Service (GPPS)
The satellite positioning service of the German state survey SAPOS offers area-wide access to the official spatial reference through centimeter-precise positioning via GNSS... -
Scriptum 5: Two Contributions to Hydrogeology - PDF
Booklet No. 5 from the series "scriptum - work results from the Geological Service of North Rhine-Westphalia" documents the influence of groundwater lowering on movements at... -
Groundwater hydrographs of the city of Dormagen This dataset was updated to the new joint open data portal of the Rhein-Kreis-Neuss. You can now find this here: Dormagen:...- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/CSV
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JSON
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/GEOJSON
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/SHP
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/XLS
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/KML
Floor area by type of actual use (2 and 3-digit) - municipalities - reference...
Floor area by type of actual use (2 and 3-digit) - municipalities - reference date (from 2016) -
Map layers bird sanctuaries NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The bird protection areas map layer can be selected in the Web Map Service Landscape Information Collection... -
Map layer federal rail, night level LNight
Federal main rail routes with a traffic volume of over 30,000 trains per year are mapped. The Federal Railway Authority is responsible for noise mapping and noise action... -
Citizens' registration offices for handing in small electrical appliances
Overview of the Citizens' Registration Offices in Cologne for handing in batteries, CDs and small electronic devices. -
Road traffic accidents and injured persons - communes - year
Road traffic accidents and injured persons - communes - year