In accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), the data underlying the updated management plan (2016-2021) has been reviewed and updated for the draft of the second update of the management plan (2022-2027). These data are made available to the public in parallel with the hearing of the draft management plans and programs of measures. The possibly revised management plans, programs of measures and data will be published after approval on December 22nd, 2021. The underlying specialist data from the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment are also available via the download portal. The data contain information on: - water body boundaries, - types and categories of surface water bodies, - risk assessment, - measuring points, - status assessment, - management objectives. The data collection includes the following files: geometries and tables on the following topics are each described in the corresponding documentation. Geometries: Rwbody_debb - flowing water body, geometry with characteristics and status assessment Lwbody_debb - lake water body, geometry with characteristics and status assessment Gwbody_debb - groundwater body, geometry with characteristics and status assessment Wfd_parea_d_debb - water protection areas Parea_n_debb - nutrient-sensitive areas Wfd_parea_b_debb - water-dependent SPA areas Wfd_parea_h_debb - water-dependent FFH - areas Wfd_parea_r_debb - Bathing areas Wfd_compath_debb - Coordination areas Planunit_debb - Planning units Wfd_swstn_debb - Measuring points surface water Wfd_gwstn_debb - Measuring points groundwater TABLES: QE_ECO_SWSTN_DEBB - Measuring program - Ecology CHEM_MON_DEBB - Measuring program - Chemistry WFD_CHEMSTSW_DEBB - Justification chemical exceptions surface water bodies substance-specific WFD_CHEMSTGW_DEBB - Justification for chemical exemptions for groundwater bodies, substance-specific WFD_L_CHEMSTSW_DEBB - Justification for chemical exemptions for surface water bodies according to LAWA WFD_MSRPROG_DEBB - Program of measures 3rd BWZ WFD_WBEXEMPT_DEBB - Environmental targets 3rd BWZ INDICATORGAP_DEBB - Pressure indicators WFD_PAREA_DEBB - Status assessment of protected areas The tables can be linked to the associated geometries using the following fields: EU_CD_RW, EU_CD_LW, EU_CD_GW or EU_CD_WB