Water balance 2012 (environmental atlas)
Data and Resources
Seepage from precipitation 2012 (environmental atlas)view
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is...
Water balance 2012 (environmental atlas)download
Water balance variables including groundwater recharge and input parameters...
Total runoff from precipitation 2012...view
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an...
Water balance without sealing 2012...download
Water balance variables including groundwater recharge and input parameters...
Surface runoff from precipitation 2012...view
The surface runoff from precipitation into the sewage system or water bodies...
Groundwater recharge 2012 (environmental atlas)view
The groundwater recharge from precipitation is shown (long-term mean values)...
Groundwater recharge 2012 (environmental atlas)download
The groundwater recharge (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over...
Evaporation from precipitation 2012...view
Evaporation from precipitation is shown (long-term mean values) as an average...
Seepage from precipitation without sealing...download
Factual data on the seepage from precipitation map without taking into...
Seepage from precipitation without sealing...view
The seepage from precipitation is shown without taking sealing (seepage water...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | June 16, 2023, 08:55 (UTC) |
Created | June 16, 2023, 08:55 (UTC) |
Alternate identifier | ["1f2a64aa-aadb-33ac-bcc3-cc3843f2ab5c"] |
Contact email | leilah.haag@senstadt.berlin.de |
Contact name | Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Berlin |
GUID | https://gdk.gdi-de.org/inspire/srv/eng/xml_iso19139?uuid=1f2a64aa-aadb-33ac-bcc3-cc3843f2ab5c |
Identifier | 1f2a64aa-aadb-33ac-bcc3-cc3843f2ab5c |
Issued | 2011-02-15 |
Language | ["http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/DEU"] |
Modified | 2022-11-15T12:03:01 |
Publisher email | mailto:leilah.haag@senstadt.berlin.de |
Publisher name | Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Berlin |
Theme | ["http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/ENVI", "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/REGI", "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/TECH"] |
URI | https://gdk.gdi-de.org/inspire/srv/eng/xml_iso19139?uuid=1f2a64aa-aadb-33ac-bcc3-cc3843f2ab5c |
access_rights | http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/LimitationsOnPublicAccess/noLimitations |
contributorID | ["http://dcat-ap.de/def/contributors/gdiDE"] |
dcat_type | http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/ResourceType/dataset |
harvest_object_id | c57ef31c-fded-458d-841c-62717398da2f |
harvest_source_id | 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d |
harvest_source_title | Germany - Open Data Portal |
maintainer_tel | +49-30-90139-5270 |
metadata_harvested_portal | http://ims.geoportal.de/ |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[13.079, 52.6877], [13.7701, 52.6877], [13.7701, 52.3284], [13.079, 52.3284], [13.079, 52.6877]]]} |